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Unit 13;Many teachers dislike preparing and grading exams, and most students dread taking them. Yet tests are powerful educational tools that serve at least four functions. ;First, tests help you evaluate students and assess whether they are learning what you are expecting them to learn. ;Second, well-designed tests serve to motivate and help students structure their academic efforts. Students study in ways that reflect how they think they will be tested. ;If they expect an exam focused on facts, they will memorize details; if they expect a test that will require problem solving or integrating knowledge, they will work toward understanding and applying information. ;Third, tests can help you understand how successfully you are presenting the material. ;Finally, tests can reinforce learning by providing students with indicators of what topics or skills they have not yet mastered and should concentrate on. ;disadvantage of exams;disadvantage of exams;disadvantage of exams;Reading Comprehension ;Objective Examination;Objective Exam;Standard Exams;Subjective Exam;How to check up ?;Writing Exam;Language Points;Language Points;;Discussion ;Discussion;Cheating in the exam;Cheating in the exam ;In the Classroom ;What to bring to the exam;;Homework


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