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工资相关英语单词汇总: Pay check An official form issued by a company which can be cashed at designated financial institutions. 工资支票 公司签发的、能够在指定金融机构兑现的支票 Pay stub Basically a receipt for record-keeping. Identifies all of the items and amounts used in calculating the final amount of the pay check. 工资存根 存档的收据。用来核算签发的支票金额和应付的相关项目金额。 Pay period The time covered between pay checks. Can be daily (rare), weekly,monthly, bi-weekly (every 2 weeks), or bi-monthly (twice a month, usually in the middle and end of the month). 工资周期 两次发工资间隔的时间。可以是每天(极少),每周,每月,双周,半月(每月两次,通常在月中和月末,bi-monthly本意是双月的意思,而实际上是指一月两次,人们将错就错)。 Pay rate An agreed amount that the company pays per unit of time worked or unit of work done. 工资标准 公司按双方商定的支付标准,以计时或计件的方式支付员工工资。 Gross The base employee income for a specified period, based on pay rate. Can be: 1. Salary (a fixed amount, daily/weekly/monthly, which is adjusted, based on number of days worked/not worked) 2. Wage (an hourly rate adjusted for the number of hours worked) 3. Piece (a certain amount for each unit of work done) The gross income can also be adjusted for items such as commissions and bonuses. 总额 根据一定的工资标准,员工在一定时期内的基本收入可以是: 薪水(每日/每周/每月固定的数额,根据工作日数作调整) 时薪(根据工作时数作调整的每小时工资标准) 计件工资(对每件完成的工作支付的金额) 工资总额还可以根据佣金和奖金作调整。 Commissions Money earned on a regular basis based on previous sales made. 佣金 根据以往的销售业绩,定期发的钱。 Bonuses Money paid by the company for various reasons, such as meeting objectives, productivity incentives, special events (e.g. Xmas), etc. 奖金 公司根据不同原因支付的钱,如完成任务,激励员工提高生产力,特殊节日(如圣诞节),等等。 Deductions Deductions are amounts retained by the company from your gross amount. They are also commonly referred to as deductions at source. Some of the more common deductions are: 1. Income tax Federal, state(U.S.) or provincial(Canada), municipal in some locations 2. Pension employee contributions for retirement. A common plan in the United States is the 401K plan. 3. Medical To pay for medical insurance. This is more common in America. In Canada, every citizen is a


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