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2.9 礼貌原则和合作原则 贵国 尊府 令堂 高见 高足 敝校 拙见 your country your residence your mother your opinion your student my school my opinion 语用 失效 2.10 篇章——主题突出与主语突出 凭窗站了一会儿,微微的觉得凉意侵人。转过身来,忽然眼花缭乱,屋子里的别的东西,都隐在光云里。 (冰心 《笑》) Standing at the window for a while, I felt a bit chilly. As I turned round, my eyes suddenly dazzled before the bright light and could not see things distinctly. Every thing in the room was blurred by a haze of light. (张培基译) 欣赏 We have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, but less time; we have more degrees, but less common senses; more knowledge, but less judgment; more experts, but more questions; more medicine, but less wellness. 欣赏 房子越来越大,家庭却越来越小;便利的设施越来越多,自由的时间却越来越少;学位越来越高,生活常识却越来越薄;获得的知识越来越丰富,对事物的判断却越来越缺少;所谓的专家一个接一个,问题却层出不穷;发明的药物一种赛一种,健康却每况愈下。 News Translation According to a recent statistics, Chinas male population now outnumbers the female population by 36 million. The unbalanced gender population ratio nowadays is the accumulative result of Chinese peoples gender preference and gender selection before birth, especially in rural areas. Traditionally Chinese people have preferred to have boys to girls so as to carry on the family name. After the family planning policy was implemented in the 1980s, many families chose abortion so their only child would be a son. This has resulted in the great gender imbalance after three decades. 最近的一份统计数据显示,中国的男性人口已经比女性人口多出了3600万。 这种不平衡的性别比现象是由中国人长久以来的性别偏好以及在孩子出生前的性别选择所导致的,这种情况在农村地区更为严重。 传统上,中国人重男轻女,喜欢男孩来继承姓氏。自从20世纪80年代实施计划生育政策以来,许多家庭为了能生男孩而选择(将女孩)堕胎。这种行为导致了三十年后性别比失衡的现象。 数量超过 性别偏好 性别选择 继承姓氏 计划生育政策 性别比失衡 outnumber gender preference gender selection carry on the family name family-planning policy gender imbalance P. 23 第6题 P. 51 第5、6、7题 * 活学活用451-480 我完全不知道那个事情。 I am in the dark about it. 真理终究会赢的。 Truth will win in the long run. 他讲的大体上是有道理的。 In the main/in principle/by and large what he says is reasonable. 我以正义的名义向你请求。 I ask you in the name of justice. 说正经的,你打算干什么? Joking apart, what do you wish to be?



