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摘 要 《天工开物》较为全面地记录了晚明时期中国的传统造物工艺,本文通过对于《天工 开物》文本与图像资料、相关文献史料、实地考察与工艺试验结果的整理与分析,初步提 出《天工开物》著者宋应星的思想之源,分析《天工开物》诞生的主客观原因;围绕《天 工开物》文中的手工艺记录,着重探讨了明代工艺文化的文化结构与文化特点,提出明代 工艺造物的宗教信仰具有关注民生、进行社会整合、强化政权统治的特点与功能;提出明 代造物观中,凝结于物,政权意味浓厚的天地观的强化,传统天人观、道器观的颠覆;描 绘以物为载体,由简入奢的明代生活习俗的转化现象与动因;完善、补充、阐释《天工开 物》中相关手工造物的工艺环节与技术要素。通过以上研究力图勾画出明代这一特定历史 时期中国传统手工造物的整体文化面貌及明代工艺造物技术、工具、物质形态、品质发展 演变的状态、动因、受限因素与明代历史文化背景之间的内在关联。 关键词:《天工开物》; 工艺文化; 明代造物; 历史人类学;宗教信仰;哲学观念 Abstract Tiangong Kaiwu, an ancient book of engineering in Ming Dynasty, is a comprehensive record of Chinas traditional craftsmanship in late Ming Dynasty.This article analyses the subjective and the objective reasons of the birth of Tiangong Kaiwu and indicates the source of the ideas of Song Yingxing the author of the book through the deep analysis and research of the texts and image materials, relevant historical documents, and on-the-spot investigations as well as technical experiments recorded by the book mentioned above.According to the manual techniques recorded the book, this article is mainly to explore the cultural structures and characteristics of the arts and crafts in the Ming Dynasty, and then put forward the view that the religious beliefs in the creation of objects in the Ming Dynasty have the major characteristics and functions of peoples livelihood, social integration and strengthening of the regime.It also points out in the concept of techniques of the Ming Dynasty, the traditional concept on the heaven and man as well as the Way and the Utensils was overthrown and the concept of the Heaven and Earth was strengthened which focused on the Utensils and closely connected with the regime.This article describes the transformation of customs of the Ming Dynasty from simple life to extravagant life reflected in the articles and further analyses the motivation


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