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内容摘要 本文以传世文献为主,结合简牍资料,在相关专家学者研究的基础上,对窦 融保据时期河西的相关问题作一探讨。 本文由四部分构成: 第一部分绪论,指出选题背景、目的及意义,并对相关问题的研究现状进行 概述,对相关概念及简册年代进行界定。 第二部分对窦融保据之前的河西政治、经济及社会状况进行探讨。以简册记 载和传世文献的记载为依据,对王莽改制在河西推行状况的相关记载,对币制改 革、奉例以及军事管理状况等问题进行考察。 第三部分对窦融保据及对河西的经营情况进行论述,重点探讨窦融保据时期 在河西政治、经济、军事以及法律等方面采取的措施。 第四部分主要论述窦融保据的历史功绩,介绍窦融保据河西始末并评述他的 功绩。 本文认为,窦融及其保据政权在河西开发史上具有深远的意义。它既积累了 此前河西历史发展的优秀成果,又为此后河西历史的进步提供了新的动力,具有 极其重要的地位。 关键词 两汉之际 窦融 河西 保据政权 II Abstract Profited greatly from the previous studies conducted by the experts and scholars in this field and based on mainly the documents handed down from the ancient times, together with the scripts, the present study explores the issues regarding in the Hexi region during the period of Dou Rong’s possession and protection. This thesis consists of four parts, of which, the first part makes an introduction to the research background, research rationale and research significance; and it also conducts an review on the previous studies related and gives definitions to the concepts and to the times of the wooden scripts concerning. In the second part a discussion on the political, economic and social situations of Hexi region at the time before Dou Rong’s possession and protection is firstly made, followed by an examination on the enforcement of Wang Mang Restructure in the Hexi region, including the issues of the reform on monetary system, the paying of the wages and the conditions of military administration. The third part expounds the management of the Hexi region during the period of Dou Rong’s possession and protection by focusing on the measures adopted in the politics, economy, military and law. The fourth part deals with the historical feats of Dou Ro


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