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看图作文narration)写作方式,而后者采用议论式(argumentation)。 从大学英语四、六级考试和研究生入学英语考试来看,图表作文的命题模式基本如下:给出标题、图画或图表、写作提纲、半小时内写出一篇120-180字左右的评论性文章。一般要求写三方面的内容:第一段说明该图画或图表所反映的一个现象;第二段分析该现象出现的诸多原因;第三段对该现象进行评论或发表想法。有时候,命题要求尽可能少地引用图表中出现的数据,只要求概括图表所反映的总情况和总趋势。 下面结合四、六级及研究生入学英语考试中图表作文的模式,分别谈一下两类作文中有关图画和图表的写作要领。 看图画作文的写作要领 看图画作文实质上就是描述、分析并评论一幅(或一组)图所反映的社会现象。对图画进行描述时,一般以被观察者为对象,联系图片中所包含的背景、插入的文字等,揣摩作者的绘画意图,以观众的口吻进行解说。如果看的是一组图画,就得按照图示的顺序,对画面上的内容进行整体分析,去除细枝末节,分清主次,抓住图画后隐藏的中心意思进行解说。切莫象记流水帐一样把所看到的、想到的细节全部写出来,这只会使读者感到乏味无趣。想象你自己就是这位画家,在画这副画之前,你首先要构思画的内容;其次是构思作画的步骤,先画什么,后画什么;然后将你的构思用文字叙述出来,你对该图画的描述就完成了。 下面以1998年研究生入学考试的看图画作文为例进行详细解释。 例图与范文 Directions: Study the following cartoon carefully and write an essay in no less than 150 words. Your essay must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET II. Your essay should meet the requirements below: Write out the message conveyed by the cartoon. Give your comments. 如此承诺 各行各业兴承诺 欢迎监督不推托 原本皆为份内事 何须高唱文明歌 Such a promise Recently, more and more people have seen varieties of promises either from TV, newspaper or from other media. As is shown in the cartoon, even a hen has learned how to promise. We all know that a hen’s duty is to lay eggs which should undoubtedly consist of most elementary parts. But the hen promises what she should do. With the development of the society and the improvement of people’s living standard, more and more attention is paid to the improvement of the quality of service. Therefore, many enterprises and departments promise to better their services so as to meet people’s need better. They are also pleased to invite people to supervise what they have done and will do. But much to our surprise, some of them just promise what they should do. These promises are only laughed at by people. In my opinion, doing more is better than promising more. We should lay more emphasis on what we do and how we can virtually improve the level of service. Only in this way can we make people satisfied with what we do. 看图表作文的写作要领 我们常见的图表大致可以分为两类:一类是表(table)或表格(chart


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