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Unit 2 科技英语基础知识(二) ;2.1 关于数量(Numbers and Quantities)    ;  晶体管放大器的带宽在L波段约为250 MHz, 在X波段为1000 MHz。;  2. 量词的缩写(Abbreviations about Numbers)  ;Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.;  3. 关于数量的增减(About Increase and Decrease);  (2) The switching time of the new type transistor is shortened by a factor of three.     ;  every按“每隔”来翻译时, 须遵循(n-1)规则。;2.2 数学符号与数学式(Mathematic Symbols and Expressions)    ;Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.;    常用希腊字母2.4。;  3. 常用数学式(Mathematic Expressions);a≡b a∶b x2 x3 Z-10 xn ;log b to the base a the nth derivative of y with respect to x integral between limits a and b factorial n the absolute value of x the mean value of x, x bar x prime function f of x y is a function f of x ;2.3 常用前缀和后缀  ;  (5) 利用构词法来记忆, 有三个优点:     ;  bus: omnibus 公共部分, 巴士   phone:  telephone 电话   plane:   aeroplane 飞机;   auto: automobile 汽车   Corp: corporation 股份公司   Dec: December 十二月   exam: examination 考试   expo: exposition 展览会   FRA: France 法国(国际活动用)   ROM: Romania 罗马尼亚   Kilo: kilogram 公斤, 千克     kilometre 千米, 公里;  lab: laboratory 实验室  Mon: Monday 星期一  Photo: photograph 照相  Semicon: semiconductor 半导体  sub: submarine 潜水艇   tech(n): technical(ly)/technician/technology 技术的[地]/技术员/工艺, 技术;flu: influenza 流行性感冒 frig: refrigerator 冰箱;  MS: Miss或Mrs 女士(用在婚姻状况不明的女子姓前)  TKS: thanks 谢谢(电传用)  YR: your 你的(电传用)  Yr: year 年;   (co), Ltd:  (company


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