新视野大学语视听说3 quiz 答案 Unit 1-10.doc

新视野大学语视听说3 quiz 答案 Unit 1-10.doc

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新视野大学语视听说3 quiz 答案 Unit 1-10

新视野大学英语视听说3 quiz 答案 Unit 1-10 正确率 100% 这是楼主用生命谱写的答案啊!! Unit 1 Quiz 单元小测验 100% 1-5 BACCB 6-15 damage symptoms sharp involved fitness mind over (8) Thelso may remember things better by mentally connecting them to other meaningful things (9) Stress, anxiety, or depression can make a person more forgetful (10) much pain and suffering can be avoided if older people, their families, and their doctors recognize dementia as a disease 15-20 BCBAD 21-25 BCACA Unit 2 Quiz 单元小测验 100% 1-5 ABCDB 6-15 For with opportunity tuition explore encounter adventure (8) As with any country, it is not advisable to carry large amounts of cash around with you (9) Travelers checks are one of the safest and easiest ways to transport money, because you may have them replaced if they get lost or stolen (10) It is wise to bring about $100 with you in U.S. cash, so you will be able to manage upon your arrival in the States 16-20 DABCA 21-25 CABDA 转载请注明出处: HYPERLINK /blog/411508885/888034966?bfrom=010203012 /blog/411508885/888034966?bfrom=010203012 Unit 3 Quiz 单元小测验 100% 1-5 CADBC 6-15 at wheel tone expression Honey divorce speed (8) I dont want you to try to talk me out of it because I dont love you amy more (9) All right, the man says, I want the bank accounts, and all the credit cards, too. (10) No, Ive got everything I need 16-20 DABCA 21-25 ADBCA Unit 4 Quiz 单元小测验 100% 1-5 ACDBB 6-15 ice Examples parking response provide impression ages (8) If this is the place where you would be working, they would automatically be worried that you will be late for work everyday (9) They might be historical questions regarding your previous employment or education (10) Make a statement, then support it by giving a sample of a situation and how you handled it 16-20 CBACD 21-25 DABCB Unit 5 Quiz 单元小测验 100% 1-5 ABDCC 6-15 resulting demand on trends elderly trend pet-related (8) Look at existing businesses and the products and services they offer, and then determine if theres a need for more


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