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动词适当形式解题思路 一、关于动词适当形式的解题思路★★ 时态(8种基本时态) 谓语动词——时间状语、语境——语态(主动+被动) 动词 即将发生——不定式(to do) 非谓语动词——和中心词的逻辑关系 正在发生、主动——现在分词(doing)已经完成、被动——过去分词(done) 充当名词——动名词(doing) 二、做主语的非谓语动词比较 类别 注意点 例句 动名词:习惯性、经常性动作 Doing exercises regularly is good for your health. 不定式:一次性、具体性动作 To solve all the problems at once is impossible. 注:当动名词或不定式做主语时,更多的是用it做形式主语而把真正的主语转成不定式置于句末。 It is good for your health to do exercises regularly. It is impossible to solve all the problems at once. 某些特殊的形式主语结构,依然和动名词连用。 It is no use/good crying over the spilt milk. 三、做宾语的非谓语动词比较 类别 词例(仅限至本单元止已学过的动词,后学的请补充) 只与动名词连用:admit, dislike, imagine, delay, consider, mind, understand, avoid, enjoy, practise, miss, finish, keep, suggest, risk, overlook, advise, allow, forbid, appreciate, advocate, resist, stand, put off, can’t help, feel like, be worth 只与不定式连用:agree, beg, dare, decide, expect, fail, happen, hesitate, hope, intend, manage, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, swear, wish, plan, get, help 两者皆用无区别:continue, prefer, begin, hate, start, love 两者皆用有区别:forget, remember, regret, mean, try, go on, like, need/want/require 注:①介词短语后面只接动名词,尤其关注介词to后接动名词的情况,易与不定式混淆。 如:pay attention to, look forward to, be/get used to, be related/linked to, be the key to, be on one’s way to, make contributions to, devote……to, thanks to, in addition to, object to, prefer……to(仅限至本单元止已学过的动词,后学的请补充) ②尤其关注后接不定式和动名词时,区别很大的动词。 I forgot to return the money to you. 我忘记要还钱给你了。(钱未还) I forgot returning the money to you. 我忘记已经还过你钱了。(钱已还) The headmaster have meant to put off the sports meeting. 校长打算推迟运动会。 The heavy rain means putting off the sports meeting. 大雨意味着运动会推迟了。 Tom tried to walk again after his leg was badly hurt.(Tom努力地行走) If you feel too full, you can try walking after a meal. (你可以尝试着走走) The computer needs repairing. = The computer needs to be repaired. ③有些动词接动名词做宾语,但接不定式做宾补。 I consider buying a computer. I consider computers to be a useful tool of communication. We don’t allow smoking here, so you are not allowed to smoke here. Our theatr


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