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SN际候机(车、船)厅卫生标准的监测规程(国外英文资料) SNInternational Airport (vehicle, ship).Txt surveillance for Department of health standards do not give up their own! - (my mother once told me, for a moment, turned out I burst into tears, but do not want to let anyone see!) To see this one small heart feeling, think of when I left home to thousands of miles away, my mother also said something similar, but as a man, you must create a day, in order to repay their parents!! International Airport (vehicle, ship) surveillance for Department of health standard Monitoring codes for the hygienic standards insideinternational terminal hall for aircraft (Tmin, ship) SN / T 1209 - 2003 Preface Annex B, annex C normative annex, annex A is informative. This standard by the national certification and Accreditation Administration and focal points. This standard by Peoples Republic of China Tianjin responsible for drafting the entry-exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Peoples Republic of China Beijing entry-exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Peoples Republic of China entry-exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau of Shenzhen to participate in the drafting of. The main drafters of this standard: Zhang Baohua, Zhang Jing, Guan Chun, Wang Fengxin, sun li. The first release of this standard is the standard of inspection and quarantine industry. The range of 1 This standard specifies the steps and technical requirements of health monitoring the border port health standards. Health supervision and monitoring of this standard is applicable to the border port international terminal, waiting, waiting hall. 2 normative references The clauses in the following documents by the standard reference in the provisions of this standard. Fordated documents, subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to this standard, however, encourage the latest version of the parties to agreements based on this standard using these files. For undated references, the latest edition i


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