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中国医科大学2014年4月补考考试《天然药物化学》考查课试题(国外英文资料) In April 2014, the Chinese medical university examined the exam questions in the natural medicine chemistry exam Exam time: 100 test time: Single topic selection Short-answer questions True or false Subjective fills up the topic Essay questions (20 questions, 20 points in total.) To extract a form of diglycoside from a Chinese medicinal herb, it is generally available Cold water immersion B. infiltration of water by water C.chloroform reflux D. 70% ethanol reflux Full marks: 1 The result of the column chromatography of the compound is the result of the column chromatography A. polarity starts out first B. The polar first outflow The melting point of the melting point is low The melting point of the melting point is high E. Volatilize first Full marks: 1 The composition of Molish reagents is A. beta-naphthol - sulfuric acid b-water C. alpha-naphthol. Sulfuric acid D. hydroxide Full marks: 1 The compound that belongs to the cyanosine amygdalin erysidine C. marijuana glycosides D. aloe glucoside Full marks: 1 Maltase can hydrolyze A. alpha-gosacin B. alpha-grapevine C. beta-glucoside D. beta-gosacin Full marks: 1 The structure of berberine is A. quinoline B. isoquinoline C. piperidine class D. organic amine E. indoles Full marks: 1 The obvious way to identify the ingredients of coumarin is A. Fel3 reaction B. Gibb s response The iron reaction of the isohydroxoxime D. fluorescent E. The reagent reaction Full marks: 1 The cause of the haemolytic effect of saponins is A. having surface activity B. Combined with the cholesterol in the cell wall It has a carboxyl group D. With triterpenes E. has a steroidal structure Full marks: 1 In the study of the strong cardioside effects, the active groups that were essential to the strong cardioside were found A. Cyclopentane polyhydrogen B. C14 - OH C. C3 - OH D. C17 - lactone ring Full marks: 1 The class is soluble in one of the following solvents A. weak base B. weak acid C. strong alkali D. a


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