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加强制度反腐的困境与出路(国外英文资料) Any organization or individual who violates the provisions of the system shall be punished by Party discipline and state law. The system of anti-corruption has greatly increased the opportunity cost of corruption, has been able to exert coercive deterrence on corrupt practices and become a strategic policy choice for punishing and preventing corruption. The dilemma of system anti-corruption in China General secretary Hu Jintao pointed out in his report of the 17th National Congress of CPC that we must adhere to the principle of treating both symptoms and symptoms simultaneously, comprehensively managing, punishing and preventing simultaneously, and laying stress on prevention, and firmly push forward the construction of punishing and preventing corruption system. While affirming the achievements of the anti-corruption system, we should be soberly aware of the plight of further advancing the anti-corruption system: System anti-corruption legal foundation is weak. A solid legal foundation can give institutional anti-corruption sufficient authority and create a standard order environment for institutional anti-corruption. Judging from the actual situation, Chinas anti-corruption system faces the problem of weak legal foundation. Specific manifestations are as follows: first, the legal concept of anti-corruption is insufficient. Two is the lack of anti-corruption legislation. So far, our country has not formulated special laws on anti-corruption construction. Three, the punishment for corruption needs to be strengthened. The present supervision and control mechanism in China consists of supervision within the party, supervision by the power organs, supervision by the administrative supervision, judicial supervision and social supervision (mainly including supervision by democratic parties, supervision by the masses and supervision by public opinion). The diversified supervision system plays an active role in standardizing the operation of public po


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