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如何坐地铁(国外英文资料)How to take the subway, the more detailed the better, from the subway station to the beginning of the detailed process of departureIn the area of 500 meters to 200 meters from the station, there is usually an outside guiding sign board.There are more than two entrances and exits in railway stations. In general, each entry and exit number, usually marked with: subway signs, line numbers, station name, entrance number in Chinese and english.Ticket buying - the average passenger will only travel in advance according to the direction sign in the station and find the ticket office.Beijing subway station card, you can do two yuan.Some subway stations have manual ticketing: first, passengers in the fare list to find the destination station corresponding fares, or ask the conductor after the ticket. Some subway stations have automatic ticketing machines: as long as the prompt can be operated.Check into the door - the general entrance of the gate in front of two signs light, green arrow sign light, indicating that the device can be used. At the same time, the display on the gate panel shows please use the ticket. The red prohibition sign lights up to stop the device, and the display shows pause service.The weight of articles carried by ordinary passengers shall not exceed 20 kg, and the length, width and height shall not exceed 1.8 meters, and the volume shall not exceed 0.15 cubic meters.Passengers should keep their faces clean and tidy when they are using a pass ticket, otherwise they will be held by passengers.When the ticket is in use, malfunction or mistake, do not knock or slap the equipment, should hand over to the station staff in time.The general subway carries out the right hand principle for passengers arriving at the station. Taking Shanghai Metro as an example, namely: the right hand holding the passenger ticket, the import gate panel circular reader is a stop for ticket gates on the display panel; when the amount of the ticket, the ticket gates com


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