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经络考辩(国外英文资料) Department, etc.. Even there are many different opinions and ways of dealing with the distribution of each meridian. For example, the Zang Fu organs are different The description method, the line of the three yin meridians of the foot in the chest and abdomen of the line route, branches and other lung meridian parts, hand Yangming large intestine meridian For the column / bone , low milk Foot Yangming stomach, small intestine meridian and the relationship between Tianrong acupoint and foot Taiyang bladder after The head of Department of circulation, Shaoyang meridians in the shoulder and neck before and after the cross, and Du department, starting with waist and abdomen circulation etc.. These ones here The academic controversy involves the ancient classical version, textual research and sentence Read, bone, muscle organs and anatomical parts, and many other aspects. they Not only fully demonstrates the academic research of traditional meridians in China The unprecedented activity also indicates the collation of ancient meridian literature in order to Seek to gradually achieve more unity, yo, preliminary standardization of the road There are many hard and complicated jobs for us to do. Secondly, it can be seen that the ancient doctors traced the meridians and collaterals Painting is along with the development of meridian theory and meridian understanding of the day Deepen gradually, and gradually from coarse to fine, from partial to whole. Such as the Sui Dynasty The previous generation and three human figure guttu, to the Tang Dynastys Became a Twelve figure, expanding the scope of the meridians To make it more legible; the Song Dynasty bronze preserved cave, the executioner intercalated moxibustion Scripture only draws twelve: the meridians have acupuncture points on the surface of the body On behalf of the fourteen plays, the meridians have been roughly indicated Zang Fu Zang line, and widely connected intersection point, further body The relation be


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