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CN431258/ T P 2010 32 7 ISSN 1007130X COMPUTER ENGINEERING SCIENCE Vol 32, No7, 2010 : 1007130X(2010) Models and Solutions Based on Sw itch Rules for Nurse Scheduling w ith Constraints , SHEN Yindong, SU Guanghui (, 430074) ( Department of Control S ien e and Engineering, Huazhong University of S ien e and Te hnology, Wuhan 430074, China) :护士排班是医院不可或缺并且需要反复进行的工作, 排班方案的优劣对医院的护理质量运作 本护士心身 健康工作积极性等产生重大影响针对我国护士排班问题缺乏通用模型和排班手段落后的问题, 本文首先建立了一个带 有 一系列劳动法规约束和护士级别差异约束的整数规划模型, 该问题被公认为是NP 问题; 然后增加护士请假约束和护士 对工作时段偏好以及护士间配合默契程度的软约束, 建立了一个更加人性化的扩展模型; 随后设计了一系列变换规则, 研 制出一个护士优化排班算法实例验证该模型与算法是可行且有效的, 并且扩展模型更受欢迎, 有利于提高护士积极性和 工作效益 Abstra t:Scheduling nurses repeatedly is an essential w ork in hospitals. Good nurse scheduling has impacts on the quali t y of healt h care, the cost, the ment al and physical health of nurses, and the enthusiasm of nurses for their jobs.To solve the nurse scheduling problem w ith a set of labor agreement rules and different grades for nurses,w hich is known to be NPhard, an integer linear programm ing ( ILP) model is established.T he ILP model is then extended to represent the follow ing addi t ional requirements:request for leave, preference to shifts and relationships between nurses. Based on the ILP model and its extended model, a nurse scheduling approach is built, in w hich a series of swit ch rules are applied. Experiments on a real problem instance prove the practicability of the models and the feasibility of the approach, and show that the extended model is more popular and helpful in increasing t he w ork efficiency of nurses. :护士排班; 护士调度; 整数规划模型; 变换规则 Key words: nurse rostering; nurse scheduling; integer programming models; sw itch rules doi: 10. 3969/ j. issn. 1007130X. 2010.07.028 :T


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