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Ref No.參考編號:20 14-034 20 14 年3月 5日 致全體會員備忘錄 問卷調查 - 珠三角港資企業現況與前景 最近環球經濟環境略為改善 ,但由於美國聯邦儲備局貨幣政策的未來路徑及其對 新興市場經濟的可能影響,以及歐元區經濟復蘇不穩,港商的 出口 業務前景仍欠明 朗 。同時, 企業在珠三角的經營也面對種種挑戰,包括生產成本 急漲、勞工短缺等 等問題 。 為了評估港商在珠三角經營的情況 ,工總現進行問卷調查。會員請回答附 奉問 卷,在 3 月 25 日 (星期 二)前 以傳真(傳真號碼: 2721 3494 )或電郵 (Jeffreys.tsang@fhki.or.hk)把問卷交回工總。問卷所得企業的個別資料 ,工總會嚴守 保密。調查結果會以綜合形式公布。 期望各位會員大力支持是項問卷調查 ,踴躍回 應 。如有查詢,請聯絡曾志聰(電話:2732 3197 )。 政策、研究及傳訊科謹啟 附件:問卷 MEMORANDUM TO ALL MEMBERS 5 March 2014 Survey on Current Situation and Prospect of HK Manufacturing Companies in the PRD Global economic conditions have improved recently. Nevertheless, in view of the future path of the Federal Reserves monetary policy and its possible impacts on the emerging market economies, as well as the uneven recovery of the eurozone economy, Hong Kongs near-term export prospect remains highly uncertain. In addition, Hong Kong enterprises operating in the PRD are facing a series of challenges including escalating production costs and labour shortages. In order to gauge the business situation of HK manufacturers operating in the PRD, we are conducting a membership-wide survey. Members please complete the attached questionnaire (Chinese version only) and return it to the FHKI by 25 March 2014 (Tuesday) via fax (Fax No: 2721 3494) or email (Jeffreys.tsang@.hk). Individual company’s response will be kept strictly confidential and will be aggregated when the survey report is compiled. We look forward to receiving your reply and your support is crucial to the success of the survey. For enquiries, please contact Jeffreys Tsang at 2732 3197. Poli


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