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听写的奥秘: 中级英语听力365天特训笔记 阶段一:起步篇 听写入门基本功 第1周听写 Monday 1. M: Good morning, I’d like to speak to Mr. Adams, please. This is Edward Miller at the Sun Valley Health Center. W: Mr. Miller, my husband isn’t at home. I can give you his business phone if you’d like to call him at work. 2. M: Jack must have been joking when he said that he was going to give up his job. W: Don’t be too sure. He told me that he was trying to sell his house. 3. M: How can I get to the shopping center from here? W: you can take a bus or a taxi, but it isn’t too far. Maybe you’d like to walk. 4. M: Look! Jack has got the ball. He’s going like lightning towards Oxford’s goal. Oh, go on, Jack. W: That Oxford centre-half(中卫) is trying to stop him. 第1周 Monday 听并回答问题 1. where is Mr. Adams now? A. At Sun valley. B. At home. C. At work. 2. What does the man believe Jack will do? A. Jack will not be able to sell his house. B. Jack was joking. C. Jack will give up his job. 第1周 Monday 听并回答问题 3. Is the shopping center far away? A. Yes, it is too far to walk. B. No, it is within walking distance. C. No, but it is too far to walk. 4. What are the two speakers doing? A. Playing a ball game. B. Cheering for Oxford. C. Watching a football match. 阶段二:提高篇 听写技巧稳提升 第14周听写 Monday 1. M: Have you ever been to Canada? W: I wish to someday. So far I’ve been to Japan, Korea and China. M: Canada is really worth visiting. 2. M: Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight? W: I’m sorry, but I have an exam tomorrow. M: What a pity! You’ll miss a lot. 3. M: Kate, are we going home now? W: I was hoping to get some bread from the bakery before it closes. M: My watch says 6:55, so we have about 35 minutes left to get there. 第14周 Monday 听并回答问题 1. How many countries has the woman been to so far? A. Four. B. Three. C. Two. 2. What does the woman mean? A. She won’t go to the concert tonight. B. She wants to go to the concert alone. C. She doesn’t think the concert is interesting.


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