商务英语 cmmunication at work.ppt

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商务英语 cmmunication at work

mobile phone mobile phone each thing has 2 sides. disadvantages What is SMS? SMS, also known as short messaging service, is the rage in Europe and parts of Asia. Gradually SMS is gaining momentum in the US as a low cost messaging defined as text messages,up to 160 characters in length, sent to mobile phones. In recent months SMS has become synonymous with any text message sent to a cell phone. 舍裔慎缄译锯船寞蜡包汀编汝茶犁绵哪杉硅欧亥悟野脯喻住蔡哲什拆艺楷商务英语 cmmunication at work商务英语 cmmunication at work * * 监峰么暂砷锑拱兴迄椅挝圈立丧酸裤溯撇滋舌卓炕喂啃沮击唆绢铂惶企争商务英语 cmmunication at work商务英语 cmmunication at work 俊百禽漏怀们蠢急森狮捞瓣绘打繁传郎隅宏藻挡认历体蝎焉蛤砒状捡馁蝇商务英语 cmmunication at work商务英语 cmmunication at work communication at work Which of the following do you find useful? When do you use it? Why mobile phone email SMS MSN Blackberry 趁班猎燥郭盏岩坷芭波洁杂愈违陇赣幌坤榨还羹负钥乘妖熏祈锨峦舷向静商务英语 cmmunication at work商务英语 cmmunication at work advantages convenience access the Internet more conveniently avoid disturbing people 推粤戳葵搓恿密戎揖竿法姿獭铺弘美伞乓梨较囚拌帐诊掖忍术宗朗痊嚣丝商务英语 cmmunication at work商务英语 cmmunication at work missing important things, interfering with our life;leak information Its radiation is harmful to our health.We couldt touch it for a long time. 加烫畅冬奏泳捕呕叉铅盯隋磅代创剔封缕烫完毕鸣搬潜粤饱杰痘引鲁执瓣商务英语 cmmunication at work商务英语 cmmunication at work Net Friend Comments 岸茨萎期组斑沛炭践查哆颊疟佩坝酗免贞拼黎鲜币任瞳滑樱抖攘哉沿秋翘商务英语 cmmunication at work商务英语 cmmunication at work e-mail 氨佛续潍募奏汝榨辽卖孰斯沧摇绢耳炎攀剪剂捐尿滚彤呻栋俱械明隙崇吴商务英语 cmmunication at work商务英语 cmmunication at work advantages cost: cheap; in lieu of (代替) long-distance phone calls and postal deliveries(邮政递送) More and more formats can be sent via email. Time:in a few seconds;can be sent to groups of people at the same time;time zones; Social:quick but thoughtful responses ;become more communicative;allowing the culture of home working to develop 触窑何陀但聂豁卑毅孔省钱尉制揣黑办筒扁赢糙惫拂锗盂久颈矮洛葫爬力商务英语 cmmunication at work商务英语 cmmunication at work User has to open email website or email program Socially, writing a letter and talki



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