外研版高中英book 2 module 2 Vocabulary and Reading.ppt

外研版高中英book 2 module 2 Vocabulary and Reading.ppt

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外研版高中英book 2 module 2 Vocabulary and Reading

Module 2 No Drugs;Look at the following pictures and discuss the harm of drugs. ;命忌戈闹用膜滴摘回胜壳才稠掺啮脑恍捣坝抹猿蹈啸患片逃掠篓曾脚誊颤外研版高中英book 2 module 2 Vocabulary and Reading外研版高中英book 2 module 2 Vocabulary and Reading; heroin;癸爆犁婉兴敬某介旱腆号滋恳栈册谩劣芍羔粟脾雕恢锯隧鞍监曙艺汪刑檄外研版高中英book 2 module 2 Vocabulary and Reading外研版高中英book 2 module 2 Vocabulary and Reading;Ice drug;Cannabis;Ecstasy;Heroin baby;湖南某家全家吸毒,败家后全家纵火自毁。 ;吸毒容易传染疾病 ;吸毒容易传染疾病 ;吸毒容易传染疾病 ;吸毒容易传染疾病 ;吸毒容易传染疾病 ;吸毒容易传染疾病 ;Look up the words and predict why are they used in articles about drug use.;1. addictive 2. blood pressure 3. break into 4. danger 5. drug addict 6. drug dealer 7. heart attack 8. heart rate 9. immediately 10. increase 11. powerful 12. reduce ;心脏病 心率 立刻,马上 增加 有力的, 有功效的 减少 (药物等) 上瘾的(adj.) 血压 破门而入 危险 吸毒成瘾的人 毒贩 ;Scanning;Article 1;Read parts 1-6 and decide which article they belong to; Article 1 Article 2;If a drug is addictive, does it mean that (a) you can easily stop taking it (b) you cannot stop taking it ;2. Does powerful mean (a) very strong (b) very weak? 3. If something increases, does it (a) get bigger (b) get smaller? 4. Is a drug dealer someone who Some who sell drugs uses drugs;Read the article again and decide if these sentences are true or false (T or F).;1. Cocaine can be smoked and also injected. 2. People who inject cocaine are in more danger if they share needles. 3. Cocaine makes your heart go more slowly. 4. Smoking crack cocaine can change people’s behavior.;Try to match the events with their results ;Complete these questions and answers about Adam Rouse.;_________ was Adam Rouse when he started using drugs? __________ 2. Which drug ____________ first? _________. 3. Who ______________ it from? _______________________________. 4. What was the second drug that the man _____________? _______________________________;5. How did Adam pay for the drugs? ___________________________________. 6. What did the police do? They took Adam _________________. 7. Did Adam take the do



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