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* 淋巴系统 The lymphatic system consists of lymphatic vessels, lymphatic organs and lymphatic tissues.The fluid in the lymphatic vessels is termed lymph. The lymphatic vessels are divided into lymphatic capillaries, lymphatic vessels, lymphatic trunk and lymphatic ducts, due to their diameters. The two ducts are right lymphatic duct and thoracic duct which empties into venous angle. Lymphatic organs include spleen, thymus, lymphoid nodes and tonsils. Lymphoid nodes generally occur in groups or chains along the paths of large lymphatic vessels. They occur primarily in cervical, axillary, and inguinal regions and within the pelvic, abdominal, and thoracic cavities. Summary to the lymphatic system(1) 解剖学总论 运动系统 内脏学 脉管系统 感觉器 神经系统 内分泌系统 Summary to the lymphatic system(2) The main points are as follows: Organization and character of the lymphatic system. The name and lymph receiving region of the nine lymphatic truncks. The lymph receiving region and immerging position of the right lymphatic duct The origin, course, lymph receiving region and immerging position of the thoracic duct. Pay attention to the lymph nodes whose efferent lymphatic vessels immerge into nine lymphatic trunks. The lymph receiving region, constitution, and immerging position of axillary lymph nodes, superficial inguinal lymph nodes, deep inguinal lymph nodes, celiac lymph nodes, superior mesenteric lymph nodes and inferior mesenteric lymph nodes. The position, shape, function and structure of the spleen. 淋巴系统 解剖学总论 运动系统 内脏学 脉管系统 感觉器 神经系统 内分泌系统 感觉器 感觉器机体感受刺激的装置, 由感受器和附属器构成。 感受器主要指能感受某种刺激而产生兴奋的结构,广泛分布于机体各部。根据所在部位和所接受刺激的来源,可分三类: 外感受器 分布于皮肤、黏膜、视器和听器等处。 内感受器 分布于内脏和血管等处。 本体感受器 分布于肌、肌腱、关节和内耳位觉器等处。 解剖学总论 运动系统 内脏学 脉管系统 感觉器 神经系统 内分泌系统 视 器 角膜cornea 占外膜的前1/6,致密透明,无血管,含丰富感觉神经末梢。 巩膜sclera 占外膜的后5/6,乳白色。与角膜相交处的深部有巩膜静脉窦。 外膜 (纤维膜) 角膜 巩膜 巩 膜 角 膜 巩膜静脉窦 解剖学总论 运动系统 内脏学 脉管系统 感觉器 神经系统 内分泌系统 视 器 中膜 (血管膜、色素膜) 脉络膜choroid 后2/3,含丰富的血管和色素。 睫状体 ciliary body 睫状环、睫状突


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