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南方医科大学本科专业教学大纲 《 中医各家学说》 《Different Theory of TCM 》 (供五年制中医专业使用) 执笔人:文小敏 审定人:刘晓伟 学院负责人:吕志平 南方医科大学教务处 二00六年 课程编号:B020054 一.课程简介 《中医各家学说》是一门研究性、提高性的课程。学习本课程的目的与任务,是使学生在已经学过中医学各科课程的基础上,进一步了解与掌握中医历代著名医家的学术理论、治疗经验,以扩大学生的知识面,开拓其思维,使之深入认识中医学的丰富内容,为今后从事中医临床、科研和教学工作打下扎实基础。《中医各家学说》的教学,必须遵循理论联系实际的原则。本大纲内容分为总论和各论两部分。总论分别论述了各家学说与中医理论体系,历代医家的争鸣与中医学发展,各家学说的形成因素及特点,医家与学派,怎样学习各家学说等内容。各论分别介绍各个主要历史时期著名医家的学术理论和治疗经验,并选择汇集了各医家的医论,最后作了简要的学术评议。在教学中既要强调学术的系统性和流派影响,又要阐明历代医家的学术特点,指明他们的学说、见解的理论价值和实践意义,以及推动中医学术发展的贡献。在讲授中既要达到一定的广度和深度,又要符合医家原著的精神,注意培养学生阅读、理解和运用的能力。 《中医各家学说》是中医专业的后期课程,为避免在内容上与《中国医学史》、《内经选读》《伤寒学》《温病学》等学科发生不必要的重复,原则上选择历代比较具有代表性的医家,以讲授他们的学说为主。本课程教学主要采用课堂讲授、讨论、指导读书以及专题研讨、自习等方式,教学大纲安排了掌握、熟悉和了解三级要求,使教师明晓教学的重点和主次,并为考核提供依据。 学时数:40学时 学分数:2学分 Course introduction 《Different Theory of TCM 》 is a study and improve course. The main aim of study this course is to learn the science theory 、treatment experience of famous doctors of TCM through the ages, which will expend the knowledge、develop thought of students, help students recognize rich knowledge of TCM thorough which will be a solid foundation of TCM clinical、study、teaching hereafter. The teaching of 《Different Theory of TCM 》 must abide by the principle of theory link practice. This summary include preface and part introduction. The preface is about different theory and the system of TCM theory, contend of successive doctor, developing of TCM,the developing factor and characteristic of different theory, and how to learn different theory. The part introduction introduced science theory 、treatment experience of main famous doctors in history period, selected the theory of different doctors, and given a simple appraising. In the teaching course both emphasized the influence of science system and school and expounded the science character of successive doctor. Which will develop the ability of study、comprehend、using of student. 《Different Theory of TCM 》is the later course of TCM subject. In order to avoid th


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