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2011年 03 月 M ar, 2011 ( 第25 卷第 03 期) East China Econom icM anagem ent (Vol. 25, No. 03 ) !DO I∀ 103969/ jiss 1007- 5097201103021 再制造系统中信息共享的激励机制研究 张红宇, 高 阳 ( 中南大学 商学院, 湖南 长沙 410083) [] 再制造生产中不确定性因素的存在, 大大增加了再制造系统的复杂度, 而信息共享有助于降低再制造 系统中不确定性因素的影响针对现阶段我国再制造业的发展现状, 提出了一种再制造系统的信息共享激励机 制以一个拆卸商和 一个加工商为例, 应用委托代理理论, 构建了激励拆卸商信息共享的激励模型, 给出了求 解方法通过对模型进行分析与讨论, 说明了激励机制有助于提高拆卸商共享信息的积极性, 减少因生产计划 变更而增加的额外成本, 从而为再制造中的激励机制的设计提供了理论指导, 为制定推动我国再制造业发展的 措施提供了参考 [] 再制造系统; 信息共享; 激励机制; 委托代理 [] F273 [] A [] 1007 5097( 2011) 03 0088 03 R esearch on IncentiveM echanism of Inform ation Sharing in Rem anufacturing System ZHANG Ho gyu, GAO Ya g (School of B usiness, C entral South Un iversity, Chang sha 410083, Ch ina ) Abstract: The existi g of u certai ties i rem a ufacturi g productio has greatly i creased the comp lexity of rem a ufacturi g system. It has bee proved that i form atio shari g ca help to reduce the mi pact of u certai ties. I view of the prese t status of rem a ufacturi g developm e t i Chi a, a i ce tivem echa ism of i form atio shari g isput forw ard. Taki g a e terprise e gagi g i disassem bly a d a e terprise e gagi g i processi g as examp les, the i ce tivem odel of i formatio shari g is established a d solved based o pri cipal- a ge t theory. D iscussio of them odel illustrates that it co tribu tes to e ha ce e thusiasm of the e terprise e gagi g i disassemb ly to share i form atio . A d it ca cut dow the additio al productio cost caused by cha ges of productio pla i g. The m odel therefore provides theoretical guida ce to desig i ce tive mecha ism i rem a ufacturi g, a d gives som e refere ce to d



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