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Warning signs to STOP exercise (ACOG, 2002 ) 停止运动的信号(ACOG, 2002) Vaginal bleeding 阴道出血 Dyspnoea before exertion在用力之前呼吸困难 Dizziness眩晕 Headache头痛 Chest pain胸部疼痛 Muscle weakness肌肉无力 Calf pain or swelling (need to rule out thrombophlebitis) 小腿疼痛或水肿(排除血栓性静脉炎的可能) Preterm labour早产 Decreased fetal movement 胎儿活动减少 Amniotic fluid leakage 羊水渗漏 5. Exercise programming训练计划 Pre-pregnant level of physical fitness 孕前的身体体适能水平 Reasonable goals建立合理的训练目标 (Enjoyment, health, reduce discomfort, maximize benefits, regulate fat gain performance/ achievements) (享受,健康,减少不适感,获益最大化,控制脂肪增加运动表现/成绩) Type of exercise运动类型 ~ Aerobic exercise - (walking, swimming, cycling etc., AVOID supine/ impact ex) 有氧训练-(步行,游泳,自行车等,避免仰卧/高冲击训练) ~ Resistance training - consider repetition/ position 抗阻力训练-考虑重复次数/姿势 ~ Flexibility - AVOID hyperextension 拉伸-避免超伸 Intensity强度 60 - 70% HR max or 50 – 60% max O2 uptake (for most pregnant women who did not engage in regular exercise before pregnancy), HR 140 bpm 最大心率的60-70%或最大摄氧量的50-60%(适用于大多数孕前不是经常进行运动的孕妇), 心率不超过140 RPE 12 – 14 (somewhat hard), 3 pt change  自觉运动强度(RPE)12-14(有些辛苦),在3点范围内改变 3 – 4 METs 3-4梅脱 Adjustment for regular exercisers 对于有经常运动的孕妇做适量调整 Duration训练时间 ACSM – NO recommendations ACSM-没有给出建议 Consider ~考虑 Thermoregulation (environment), core temperature rise 1.5?C over 30 min 体温调节(环境),运动超过30分钟身体核心温度提高1.5?C Energy balance 能量平衡 Frequency频率 30 min / day 30分钟/天 Progression进度 Pregnancy is not a time for greatly improving physical fitness 怀孕期间不适合大幅度的提升体适能水平 Self monitoring自我监控 (Colour of urine; avoid fatigue; expect some weight gain; RPE; use common sense) (尿液颜色;避免疲劳;体重增加;自觉运动强度表(RPE);运用常识判断) Recommendations for Sport Activities During Pregnancy (ACOG, 1994) 孕期运动建议 Activities to Encourage 建议运动 Walking 步行 Stationary cycling 固定自行车 Low-impact aerobics 低冲击有氧运动 Swimming 游泳 Activities to Discourage 不建议的运动 Contact sports (increased risk of abdominal trauma) 有身体碰撞的运动(增加腹部外伤危险) H



