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Directed Diffusion for Wireless Sensor Networking-英文文献
Directed Diffusion for Wireless Sensor Networking
Chalermek Intanagonwiwat, Ramesh Govindan, Deborah Estrin, John Heidemann, and Fabio Silva
—Advances in processor, memory and radio technology will en- sensor nodes is named by attribute-value pairs. A node requests
able small and cheap nodes capable of sensing, communication and com- data by sending interests for named data. Data matching the
putation. Networks of such nodes can coordinate to perform distributed
interest is then “drawn” down towards that node. Intermedi-
sensing of environmental phenomena. In this paper, we explore the di-
rected diffusion paradigm for such coordination. Directed diffusion is data- ate nodes can cache, or transform data, and may direct interests
centric in that all communication is for named data. All nodes in a directed based on previously cached data (Section 2).
diffusion-based network are application-aware. This enables diffusion to
achieve energy savings by selecting empirically good paths and by caching Using this communication paradigm, our example might be
and processing data in-network (e.g., data aggregation). We explore and implemented as follows. The human operator’s query would be
evaluate the use of directed diffusion for a simple remote-surveillance sen- transformed into an interest that is diffused (e.g., broadcasted,
sor network analytically and experimentally. Our evaluation indicates that
directed diffusion can achieve significant energy savings and can outper- geographically routed) towards nodes in regions X or Y. When
form idealized traditional schemes (e.g., omniscient multicast) under the a node in that region receives an interest, it activates its sensors
investigated scenarios.
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