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从时装周上学得的美丽课程 5 Beauty Lessons I’ve Learned Backstage at Fashion Week So Far Welcome to day ... Im not sure what number it is, of Fashion Week. My veins are flowing with Fiji Water, Ive watched the vogueing video from Hood by Air 500 times (and almost thrown out my neck trying to replicate that hair-flip), and have relinquished my spot in the restroom line to Joan Smalls (happily). In the process, Ive learned a few backstage beauty tips. 欢迎来到...时装周的日期我已模糊了。只记得我的血液中流淌着斐济水,HBA摄制的潮流视频也播放了500次(而我仍然是扭断了脖子也在努力模仿着画面里的捋发动作),在洗手间里还遇见了琼.斯莫斯并高兴地礼让了她。那天,我瞻仰了些许后台的美容秘诀。 Most of us are familiar with Q-tips of only one size: the common, baton-shaped wands. But backstage at Fashion Week, there are enough Q-tips of various shapes and sizes to delight even the pickiest of earwax-pickers. There are fluffy ones, with ends shaped like balloons. There are slanted, pointed Q-tips, like those favored by Charlotte Tilbury. There are ones that have makeup remover inside. There are pink, yellow, and black ones. Answers for where you can find these range from beauty supply stores?to international drugstores,?or Amazon for these precision Q-tips. 1.多数人印象中的棉签只有一种形式:最常见的棍棒式棉签。但在时装周后台,棉签式样丰富,尺寸多样,再难除的耳垢它都可以一扫而光。有绒毛棉签,尾部呈求形。有斜尖状棉签,那是夏洛特·缇布瑞的御用。还有内带卸妆功能的棉签。颜色多样,有粉色、黄色和黑色。这些精制棉签在美容用品店到国际药房,或者亚马逊均有销售。 2. Some makeup artists use the beloved French makeup remover Bioderma. Some use KohGenDo Spa Water. But more often, they use a moisturizer or cream of some type, especially around the eye. As Charlotte Tilbury explained, its less harsh on the skin and doesnt leave residue. The oils in a moisturizer are also just as effective at removing spots of makeup. Since seeing Tilbury do it, Ive been using Vichy Laboratories Milky 3-in-1 Cleanser (milk, toner, eye-makeup remover). 2.法国卸妆水贝德玛颇受一些化妆师的喜爱。有的化妆师也喜欢用KohGenDo旗下的温泉卸妆水。但最常使用的,还是某些品牌的保湿水或保湿霜,特别在护理眼部的时候。正如夏洛特·缇布瑞解释的,这对皮肤伤害小,也不会有残留物。保湿品所含的油脂刚好可以有效去除妆痕。看了缇布瑞的操作后,我就一直在用薇姿三效合一的实验洁面乳(含牛奶、碳粉及眼妆卸妆水)。 To remove extensions, spray dry shampoo at the root of the extensi


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