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No Man is richer for having his Estate all in Money, Plate, etc. lying by him, but on the contrary, he is for that reason the poorer. That man is richest, whose Estate is a growing condition, either in Land at Farm, Money at Interest, or Goods in trade: If any man, out of an humour, should turn all his Estate into Money, and keep it dead, he would soon be sensible of poverty growing upon him, whilst he is eating out the quick stock. But to examine the matter closer, what do these People want, who cry out for Money? I will begin with the beggar: he wants, and importunes for Money: What would he do with it if he had it? buy bread, etc. Then in truth it is not Money, but bread, and other necessaries of Life that he wants. 2)自由贸易 free trade 自由放任是实现国内与国际贸易利益最大化的手段;laissez-faire as the way to achieve the maximum gains from both intra- and international trade 交换盈余;exchange surpluses 交易双方获得共同利益mutual advantage to both sides。 Trade is nothing else but a Commutation of Superfluities; for instance: I give of mine, what I can spare, for somewhat of yours, which I want, and you can spare… . He who is most diligent, and raiseth most Fruits, or maketh most of anufactory, will abound most in what others make, or raise; and consequently be free from want, and enjoy most conveniences, which is truly to be rich, altho’ there were no such thing as Gold, Silver, or the like amongst them. 3)货币资本化观点 货币、金银等货币形式持有≠财富更加富有; 货币(财产)处于增值条件(money/estate is a growing condition)之中---资本化(capitalization); 投资于农场土地(in land at farm)、借贷资金获取利息(money at interest),投资于贸易商品(goods in trade) 。 6.主要代表人物:理查德·坎蒂隆 Richard Cantillon,1680-1734 ; 爱尔兰人; 他的主要经历在巴黎,而且他的经济学研究以法国为对象,因此被列入法国经济学家的行列 ; 著作《论商业的性质》写于1730-1734; 1755年法国出版; 第一部真正的经济学著作; 第一位真正的经济学家。 1)重新定义“企业家” “冒险者”adventurer; Businesspeople commit themselves to definite payments in expectation of uncertain receipts; 承担风险(risk taking); 获得利润补偿(remunerated by profit); 竞争使企业家的服务价值降低到正常利润水平; 经济生活中扮演角色“不可或缺”,emphasized the role of this figure in economic life。 2)


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