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直流开关稳压电源的设计 2012年5月 直流开关稳压电源的设计 The Design of DC Switching Power Supply 摘 要 开关电源具有效率高、体积小、重量轻等显著特点。目前世界各国都有广泛的应用,特别是对大容量高频开关电源的研究和开发已成为当今电力电子学的主要研究领域,并派生了很多新的研究方向。稳压电源是实现电能变换和功率传递的主要设备。在信息时代,农业、能 源、交通运输、通信等领域迅猛发展,对电源产业提出个更多、更高的要求,如节能、节材、减重、环保、安全、可靠等。这就迫使电源工作者不断的探索 寻求各种乡关技术,做出最好的电源产品,以满足各行各业的要求。 开关电源是一种新型的电源设备,较之于传统的线性电源,其技术含量高、耗能低、使用方便,并取得了较好的经济效益。本文在介绍了开关电源的各种工作方式、其优劣势、设计方法及未来发展方向等的基础上,对开关稳压电源进行设计。设计分为几个模块进行,包括辅助电源模块、PWM控制模块、升压电路部分,其中PWM控制电路为电源设计的核心。 关键词:开关电源 稳压电源 PWM控制 Abstract Switching power has many remarkable characteristics such as high efficiency, smallness and lightness. Countries all over the world have extensive application in switching power, especially research on large capacity high-frequency switching has already become the main research field of power electronics and many new research directions has derived from it. Power is to achieve power conversion and power transmission major equipment.In the information age, agriculture, energy, transportation, communications and other areas Power of the source industry make a greater and higher requirements,such as energy, materials, weight reduction, environmental protection, safety and reliability. This has forced the power workers have been exploring the technology for a variety of rural customs, the power to make the best products to meet the requirements of all walks of life. Switching power supply is a new type of power supply, compared to traditional linear power supply, high technology, low energy consumption, easy to use, and has achieved good economic results. This paper describes the various switching power supply works, its advantages and disadvantages, design and direction of future development, based on the design of the switching power supply. Design is divided into several modules, namely, auxiliary power module, PWM control module, boost circuit part, which PWM control circuit for the power supply design of the core. Key words: switching power supply constant voltage power


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