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Books English on Sunday Books are a guide in youth and an entertainment for age. They support us under solitude, and keep us from being a burden to ourselves. - Jeremy Collier Right! The only true equalizers in the world are books; the only treasure-house open to all comers is library. - Dr. Langford True! Perhaps no other thing has such power to lift the poor out of his poverty, the wretched out of his misery, to make the burden-bearer forget his burden, the sick his suffering, the sorrower his grief, the downtrodden his degradation, as books. They are friends to the lonely, companions to the deserted, joy to the joyless, hope to the hopeless, good cheer to the disheartened, a helper to the helpless. The Method They bring light into darkness, and sunshine into shadow. The trend of many a life for good or ill, for success or failure, has been determined by a single book. The books which we read early in life are those which influence us most. The greatest advantage of books does not always come from what we remember of them, but from their suggestiveness. A good book often serves as a match to light the dormant powder within us. There is explosive material enough in most of us if we can only reach it. A good book or a good friend often serves to wake up our latent possibilities. We get many pleasing reflections of ourselves from friends, many mirrored deformities from our enemies, and a characteristic here and there from the world; but in a calm and unbiased way we find the most of ourselves, our strength, our weakness, our harmonies and discords, in books. We form many of our opinions from our favorite books. The author whom we prefer is our most potent teacher; we look at the world through his eyes. If we habitually read books that are elevating in tone, pure in style, sound in reasoning, and the keen in insight, our minds develop the same characteristics. If, on the contrary, we read


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