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Appreciating Tips: Here are some beautiful Australian sceneries. Let’s feast our eyes Opera house in Sydney Learning aims: 2.More information about these places Sentence Analysis 1.However, Australia has a federal government responsible for matters that affect people all over the country, such as defence, foreign policy and taxation. 翻译: Sentence Analysis 2. “Australia Day celebrations that include people from so many birthplaces are an excellent way to encourage tolerance, respect and friendship among all the people of Australia. ” 翻译:来自许多不同的出生地的人参加澳大利亚庆典活动,这种庆典活动是在澳洲全体人民中鼓励宽容、尊敬和友爱的一种极佳的方式 Sentence Analysis 3. It is also possible to climb the rock, but most people don’t do this out of respect for the Aboriginal people who consider the rock to be sacred. 翻译:爬上岩石也是可能的, 但大多数人出于尊敬那些土著居民而不那样做, 因为他们认为这块岩石是神圣的. Sentence Analysis 2.Match each reading passage with a description below. ◆a postcard from someone on holiday ◆part of a text in an encyclopedia ◆part of a tourist brochure ◆a newspaper article ◆an advertisement Questions Where do most Australians live? 2. In what city do federal politicians work? The south-eastern costal area of Australia. Canberra. Questions 3. When is Australia Day? 4. How many World Heritage Sites are there in Australia? 26th January. 14. 5. Why do most people choose not to climb Uluru? Most people do not climb Ayers Rock out of respect for the Aboriginal people who consider the rock to be sacred. Questions Phrases Expressions famous for 2.a popular destination with sb. made up of responsible for located in 6.a variety of sunrise dusk 9.out of respect 10.make a reservation 11.a range of 1. What topic is common to all five texts? history of Australia. B. famous scenic sports in Australia. C. glimpses of Australia. D. different aspects of Australia. 2. Which of the following is wrong according to


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