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设计总说明水泥熟料的粉磨是水泥生产的一个至关重要的环节,对水泥成品的质量起关键的影响,也是水泥工业生产中耗电最多的一个工序。随着新型干法水泥生产技术的发展,水泥粉磨设备在大型化的同时,各国在节约资源、提高粉磨效率方面也得到了较大的发展。本次设计的内容是日产3000吨水泥熟料生产线水泥粉磨车间的工艺设计,设计包含的内容有:水泥磨、辊压机特点、配料计算、物料平衡、储库平衡及主机设备能力平衡计算、水泥磨设备选型计算,并附有图纸±0.000平面及各层平面、各主要剖面、设备基础放大图、输送设备订货单和工艺设备表。目前采用最广泛的是辊压机预粉磨系统,该粉磨系统系将物料先经辊压机辊压后送入后续球磨机粉磨然后经选粉机、袋收尘成为成品。该系统目前运用技术趋成熟,具有节能高效等特点,为大多数大型水泥厂家所应用。因此本设计采用“辊压机预粉磨+球磨机”水泥粉磨系统。关键词:水泥,粉磨,辊压机,物料平衡DescriptionThe grinding of cement clinker is a vital part of the cement production, play a critical impact on the quality of new dry cement rotary kiln, and is the most power consumption process in the cement industry production. With the development of new dry cement production, cement grinding equipment is in the large-scale, at the same time many larger countries about conserving resources and improving grinding efficiency has also receivedgreater development.The work is aboutcement grinding plant process of cement clinker production line of3000 t/d. It consists of characteristics of mill of cementof fan, the calculation of equilibrium aboutingredients, material, reservoir of material, and the system heat balance,including drawings of ±0.000 plane and each level, the main section, equipment foundation Enlargement, transportation equipment, orders and process equipment table.Currently ,the most widely used system of roller press is the pre-grinding cycle flow system,of which the process is feeding the raw materialto the roller press to be ground by the ball milling ,followed by separating and dust collecting to be the final product.Now the application of this system is mature,with the feathers of energy- saving and high efficiency,thus applied by many cement factory.As a result ,the roller press pre-grinding mill+ball grindingcement-grinding system is adopted in the workKeywords: cement, grinding, roller presses, balance目录1.引言11.1水泥粉磨系统概述11.1.1 水泥粉磨流程11.1.2水泥粉磨流程设备发展情况32.配料计算52.1设计基础资料52.2配料计算53.物料平衡计算83.1原料燃料消耗定额计算83.1.1原料消耗定额83.1.2烧成用煤消耗定额93.1.3石膏、混合材消耗定额93.1.4物料平衡表94.主机平衡计算


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