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中高级口译翻译经典词群(很中国) 1、“…化” 现代化→modernize 市场化→marketize 地区化→regionalize 多极化→polypolarize 干部队伍的革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化。 The ranks of the cadres become more revolutionary, younger in average age, better-educated and more professionally competent. Cadres are more revolutionary, younger, better-educated and more professional. 国际关系民主化 Democracy should be practiced in international relations. We should practice democracy in international relations. 企业化→turn …into business institutions make…function as an enterprise 集团化→incorporate…into an enterprise 公开化→to be brought into the open 股份化→transfer…into share holding 如果两岸客运包机实现“节日化”,还可以向常态化发展。 节日化→on all festivals and holidays 常态化→ develop toward normalization develop into a regular practice develop and normalize/regularize this practice 2、“在…的…下” 在改革开放的推动下→Thanks to the further push by the opening-up and reform 在中国***的领导下→Under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party 在盟友的帮助下→With its allies’ help 在改革开放政策的带动下→Driven by the reform and opening-up policy 3、“是” constitute/represent/form/prove/系表结构以外的形式 ……已是世界文化遗产之一 ...has been included in the World Cultural Heritage List 旅游一直是人们增长知识、丰富阅历、强健体魄的美好追求。 Tourism has demonstrated the happy wish for more knowledge, varied experience and good health. 21世纪头20年,是中国全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化的重要战略机遇期,也是中国旅游业发展的有利时期。 The first 20 years of the 21st century represents an important strategic period for China to achieve all-round construction of a better-off society and to speed up its socialist modernization. 4、“对…表示赞赏” we appreciate we’d like to express our appreciation for… we think highly of… …deserve our admiration we see something constructive/admirable/meaningful/inspiring in your… 5、正向强化 + 加强合作→strengthen cooperation 促进发展→promote development 增加机会→increase opportunities 深化改革→deepen reform 推动贸易→facilitate trade 万能动词further 6、“值得(我们)欣慰/高兴/欣喜/庆贺/的是…” It is gratifying/delightful/pleasing/wonderful/great (for us) to know/see… We/people are gratified/delighted/pleased/happy/glad to know/see… 7、


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