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472 中国药事 2017 年 5 月 第 31 卷 第 5 期 ·研究进展 · 非临床药物安全性评价中毒性病理学评价基本要素 * 屈哲,吕建军 ,林志,霍桂桃,杨艳伟,张頔,张硕,霍艳,王雪,李波 (中 国食品药品检定研究院国家药物安全评价监测中心、药物非临床安全评价研究北京市重点实验室,北京 100176) 摘要 : 毒性病理学是结合病理学和毒理学原理的科学,关注化合物潜在的毒性作用。毒理学研究中的组 织病理学评价经毒性病理学家的长期实践已形成标准技术规程,在药物风险评估过程中起重要作用。本 文针对非临床药物安全性评价中毒性病理学评价中病理学家的资质和职责、镜检前病理学家应获取的资 料和信息、毒性病理学评价的一般流程、影响毒性病理学评价准确性和一致性因素等国际公认的基本要 素进行了简要的阐述,同时说明按照标准技术规程进行非临床药物毒理学试验组织病理学评价可以减少 诊断偏差,获得高质量的病理学报告,为病理学家、毒理学家以及监管机构的审查人员提供重要的数据 和信息。 关键词: 毒性病理学评价;资质和职责;一般流程;基本要素 中图分类号:R99 R95 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 1002-7777(2017)05-0472-07 ; doi:10.16153/j.1002-7777.2017.05.003 A Brief Introduction of Fundamental Elements of the Toxicologic Pathology Evaluation in the Nonclinical Safety Evaluation of Drugs * Qu Zhe, Lv Jianjun , Lin Zhi, Huo Guitao, Yang Yanwei, Zhang Di, Zhang Shuo, HuoYan, Wang Xue, Li Bo (Beijing Key Laboratory for Safety Evaluation of Drugs, National Center for Safety Evaluation of Drugs, National Institutes for Food and Drug Control, Beijing 100176, China) Abstract: Toxicologic pathology is the science that integrates the disciplines of pathology and toxicology and is concerned about the effects of potentially noxious substances. The histopathology evaluation in the toxicology study has developed a standard technical procedure through long-term practice of toxicologic pathologists, which plays an important role in the identification of drug risk. This paper briefly introduced the internationally recognized fundamental elements in the nonclinical safety evaluation of drugs, such as the pathologists qualification and responsibilities, the data and information obtained by the pathologist before microscopic examination, the general procedure of toxicologic pathology evaluation, several factors affecting accuracy and consistency of toxicologic pathology evaluation, etc. At the same time, to complete tox


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