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安徽农业大学学报, 2014, 41(4): 614-618
Journal of Anhui Agricultural University
[DOI] 10.13610/ki.1672-352x028 网络出版时间:2014-6-20 11:40:32
[URL] /kcms/doi/10.13610/ki.1672-352x028.html
1, 2 2*
朱 云 ,申黎明
(1. 广东石油化工学院 艺术设计系,茂名 525000 ;2. 南京林业大学 家具与工业设计学院,南京 210037)
摘 要:稻秸秆板是一种新型绿色家具板材,其与圆榫的接合性能直接影响到家具的强度和刚度。在不同β系
在同等β系数条件下稻秸秆板与圆榫的接合性能比刨花板要差些,但比中纤板要好,尤其是当β值为0.2 mm 时,
中图分类号:TS664.03 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672−352X (2014)04−0614−05
Charaterizing the drawing strength of rice-straw panel (RSP )and round tenon
ZHU Yun1, 2, SHEN Liming2
(1. Department of Art Design, Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology, Maoming 525000;
2. College of Furniture and Industrial Design, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037)
Abstract: Rice-straw panel (RSP) is a new green furniture plate. The drawing strength between RSP and
round tenon (RT) directly affects the strength and rigidity of furniture. Under different β value conditions, the
maximum drawing strength between RSP and RT was tested using the load-test method. Using particle board (PB)
and medium density fiber board (MDF) as controls, the joint properties between RSP and RT were analyzed based
on the plate structure and physical indicators. The study found that under the same β value condition, the bonding
performance of RSP and RT is poorer than that of PB and RT, but better than that of MDF and RT, especially when
β value is 0.2 mm, the drawing strength between RSP and RT reached the maximum value.
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