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环境昆虫学报Journal of Environmental Entomology ,January 2014 ,36 (1):22 - 27 ISSN 1674-0858 doi :10. 3969 /j. issn. 1674 - 0858. 20 14. 0 1. 4 阿里山潜蝇茧蜂不同发育阶段过冷却点和结结冰点 * , , , 郭俊杰 季清娥 王 波 陈家骅 ( , 350002) 福建农林大学益虫研究所 福建福州 : Fop ius arisanus (Sonan) 、 (1 d 、5 d 、9 d) 摘要 研究了阿里山潜蝇茧蜂 的老熟幼虫 不同日龄的蛹 以及不同日 (1 d 、7 d 、14 d 、21 d) , 5 d 龄成蜂 的过冷却点和结结冰点 结果显示阿里山潜蝇茧蜂 龄蛹的过冷却和结结冰 , , SCP 、FP ; 点最低 而老熟幼虫最高 且老熟幼虫的 值变化幅度均最窄 不同日龄雌雄成蜂的过冷却点和结结冰 7 d ,21 d ; , 。 点均是 龄最低 龄最高 相同日龄 雌蜂的过冷却点和结结冰点均低于雄蜂 : ; ; 关键词 阿里山潜蝇茧蜂 过冷却点 结冰点 中图分类号:Q968 ;S476 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674 - 0858 (2014)01 - 0022 - 06 The supercooling point and freezing point of Fop ius arisanus (Sonan)at different developmental stages GUO Jun-Jie ,JI Qing-E* ,WANG Bo ,CHEN Jia-Hua (Institute of Beneficial Insects ,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University ,Fuzhou 350002 ,China) Abstract :The super cooling point (SCP)and freezing point (FP)of mature larvae ,pupae at different day old (1 d ,5 d ,9 d)as well as different day-old female and male adults (1d ,7 d ,14 d ,21 d)of Fop ius arisanus (Sonan)were studied. The results showed that the SCP and FP of 5 day-old pupae was minimum and the mature larvae maximum. The range of both SCP and FP varied narrowest of mature larvae. The SCP and FP of different day-age female and male adults of F. ari


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