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看图绿色出行初中英语作文 篇一:2015年考研英语作文终极预测:绿色出行 2015年考研英语作文终极预测:绿色出行 2015考研初试在即,考研英语大作文是考前最容易提分的一项,建议大家在考前多关注与社会热点相关的范文,开拓写作思路。下面是:2015年考研英语作文终极预测:绿色出行。希望能帮助大家更好的复习! 2015年考研英语作文终极预测:绿色出行 【参考范文】 It is universally acknowledged that the development of the auto industry has brought efficiency and convenience to us. However, energy consumption and air pollution has also deteriorated. More notably, the rapid increase in the number of automobiles has made the roads more congested, resulting in low efficiency and making it impossible to realize the advantages that cars were supposed to bring, such as fastness and comfort. How do we enjoy more benefits of cars and avoid the demerits of them? It is high time that we should promote the concept of green travel. Firstly, we#39;d better not travel by cars unless it#39;s necessary. Secondly, people should be encouraged to choose public transport. They can take a bus or the light rail or by underground. Thirdly, we should choose to walk or ride a bicycle if we don#39;t go far away. Green commuting enjoys many obvious advantages. For one thing, it can improve traffic conditions and reduce traffic congestion, thus to reduce the overall travel time spent on the way. Secondly, it can decrease transportation costs and fuel consumption, which functions to reduce operating costs of the city and save energy. Additionally, there will be a marked improvement in air quality because of the reduction of exhaust emissions from automobiles. Last but not least, green travel provides us with more chances to contact the nature and become stronger and healthier. (230 words) 【参考译文】 众所周知,汽车工业的发展为我们带来效率和便利。然而,能源消耗和空气污染问题也加剧了。更为明显的是,汽车数量的迅猛增加已经使道路拥挤不堪,并且导致了效率低下,而汽车本应该带给我们的快速和舒适等优点也很难实现。 那么,我们应该如何想用汽车的更多优点并且回避他们的缺点呢。我们是时候推广绿色出行的概念了。首先,最好是不要开私家车,除非必须。其次,应该鼓励人们选择公共交通,比如坐汽车或者是轻轨,或者是地铁。第三,如果路程不远的话,也可以选择步行或则自行车。 绿色出行有很多明显的优点。首先,这可以改善交通状况,减少交通拥堵,并因此减少花费在路上的出行时间。其次,这也能减少交通成本和燃料消耗量,又能起到减少城市运营 成本和节约能源的作用。再者,因为汽车的尾气排放的减少,空气质量也会得到显著的提升。最后,绿色出行给我们提高了更多接触自然和变得强壮和健康的


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