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电影的分类 Film classification 爱情片、剧情片、喜剧片 romance, drama, comedy 音乐片、歌舞片 music, musicals 武侠片、古装片 martial arts films, biopic 恐怖片、犯罪片、悬疑片 horror, crime, thriller 记录片、战争片、历史片 documentary, war, history 科幻片 Science fiction 动作片 action movies 灾难片 disaster movie 灾难片 disaster movies 灾难片 Disaster movie 灾难片以对人类造成巨大灾难的天灾人祸为题材的影片。 一般渲染惊心动魄的灾难,以刺激观众的恐惧感,也有的表现摆脱灾难的方法,战胜或躲避灾难的智慧。 Disaster movie with natural and man-made disasters on human-caused catastrophe for movies. General rendering of thrilling disasters, to stimulate viewers fears, as well as performance way out of disasters and overcome or avoid the disaster of wisdom. 后天 The day after tomorrow 影片讲述温室效应造成地球气候异变,全球即将陷入第二次冰河纪的故事。北半球因温室效应引起冰山融化,地球进入第二冰河期,龙卷风、海啸、地震在全球肆虐,整个纽约陷入冰河的包围中。 Film about the greenhouse effect caused by global climate change, global verges second ice age story. The greenhouse effect caused by melting glaciers in the northern hemisphere, the Earth entered the second ice age, tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes in the world, surrounded by all of New York into an ice age. 2012 影片故事发生在2012年12月,一家人正在度假。没想到根据玛雅预言,2012年的12月21日,正是世界末日,玛雅人的日历也到那天为止,再没有下一页。电影中的主人公以及世界各国人民挣扎求生的经历。 The story took place in December 2012, the family was on vacation. According to the Mayan prophecy, the December 21, 2012, Mayan calendar is up to this day, there is no next page. The protagonist in the film, as well as people around the world struggled to survive the experience. 23秒是地震持续时间,毁了一个城市 故事结局是2008汶川地震,从1976到2008汶川的抗震救灾正好是32年。 唐山大地震 The Tangshan earthquake 电影描述1976年发生在中国唐山的7.8级大地震中,一位母亲只能选择救姐弟之一。母亲最终选择救了弟弟,但姐姐却奇迹生还,后被解放军收养,32年后家人意外重逢,心中的裂痕等待他们去修补的悲感情节,再一次勾起了当代人们对那一段惨痛灾难的回忆。 The film is about the 7.8-magnitude quake in Tangshan in 1976, China. A mother can only save one of her children. The mother c


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