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上海第二医科大学基础医学院 二00四年二00五学年第二学期 03级七年制临床医学专业 局部解剖学课程期终考试试题 考试日期2005.6.29 级 专业 大班 小班 姓名 学号 题号 一 二 三 总分 得分 阅卷人 (加分人) (复核人) 选择题(每题1分,共30分) (一)A1型题: 说明: 每道题只能选出一个最佳答案,并在( )内填写相应字母。 Which of the following nerves may be found between the platysma and facial vessels( ) A. supraorbital nerve B. infraorbital nerve C. temporal branches of facial nerve D. marginal mandibular branch of facial nerve E. zygomatic branches of facial nerve 2. Which of the following nerves is not included in the cutaneous nerves of cerveical plexus( ) A. lesser occipital nerve B. greater auricular nerve C. cervical branch of facial nerve D. supraclavicular nerves E. transverse nerve of neck 3.The hypoglossal nerve may be found in the ( ) A.submandibular triangle and occipital triangle B.occipital triangle and carotid triangle C.submandibular triangle and carotid triangle D.supraclavicular triangle and carotid triangle E.supraclavicular triangle and submandibular triangle 4.All of the following may be found in the carotidl sheath EXCEPT ( ) A.vagus nerve B.common carotid artery C.external carotid artery D.internal jugular vein E.phrenic nerve 5. the superficial layers of submandibular triangle not contain( ) A. skin B. superficial fascia C. platysma D. Superficial layer of cervical fascia E. prevertebral layer 6. Which of the following structures may be not found in the superior mediastinum( ) A. esophagus B. vagus nerve C. aortic arch D. inferior vena cava E. left and right brachiocephalic vein 7. Which of the following is the structure of stomach bed( ) A. gallbladder B. spleen C. liver D. right kidney E. Vermiform appendix


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