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Consumer Price Index (CPI) A measure of the overall level of prices Published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Uses: tracks changes in the typical household’s cost of living adjusts many contracts for inflation (“COLAs”) allows comparisons of dollar amounts over time U.S. Government Spending, 2008 Federal 20.2% $2,882.4 Govt spending State local Defense 7.5 12.7 5.2 2.4 1,071.9 1,810.4 734.9 337.0 Non-defense % of GDP $ billions Net Exports: NX = EX – IM def: the value of total exports (EX) minus the value of total imports (IM) 支出法国内生产总值 306860 100% 最终消费 149113 49% 居民消费 108392 35% 农村居民 27206 9% 城镇居民 81186 26% 政府消费 40702 13% 资本形成总额 133612 44% 固定资本形成总额 126210 41% 存货增加 7403 2% 货物和服务净出口 24135 8% 四驾马车之四:Net exports (NX = EX - IM) def: 出口值—进口值 value of total exports (EX) minus the value of total imports (IM) Why not EX? NOW YOU TRY: An expenditure-output puzzle? Suppose a firm produces $10 million worth of final goods but only sells $9 million worth. Does this violate the expenditure = output identity? 问题: Suppose a firm produces $10 million worth of final goods but only sells $9 million worth. 是否违背总支出=总产出恒等式? Why output = expenditure Unsold output goes into inventory, and is counted as “inventory investment”… …whether or not the inventory buildup was intentional. In effect, we are assuming that firms purchase their unsold output. 总支出=总收入中的是实际投资支出额,而不是计划投资额 Why not Y=C+I+G+EX EX = exports = 外国居民在本国产品上的支出 IM = imports = C f + I f + G f = 本国居民在外国产品上的支出 NX = net exports (即贸易余额) = EX – IM 上标: d = 在本国产品上的支出 f = 在外国产品上的支出 GDP = 在国内产品和服务上的总支出 GDP: An important and versatile concept We have now seen that GDP measures total income total output total expenditure the sum of value-added at all stages in the production of final goods GDP的计算方法 GDP的三种计算方法: 1、生产各阶段价值增值之和the sum of value-added at all stages in the production of final goods. 2、总支出total expenditure 3、总收入total income GNP vs. GDP Gross National Pr


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