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中国功夫 Chinese martial art The influence of Kung fu 3 Chinese Kung fu The schools of Kung fu 2 4 The meaning of kung fu The origin of Kung fu 1 1. Origin of Kung fu In order to survive in an extremely hostile environment, our primitive Chinese ancestors developed primary means of defense and attack that included leaping, tumbling and kicking. 为了在极其恶劣的环境中生存,我们原始的中国祖先发展了防御和攻击,包括跳跃,翻滚,踢的主要手段。 As time went on,wrestling, swordplay and spear skills became well developed and were popular among civilians and troops. Following the Song Dynasty (960 - 1279), various schools, boxing styles, movement sets and weapon skills flourished. 随着时间的流逝,摔跤、剑术和枪的技能变得发达,为平民和部队欢迎。宋代(公元960 - 1279年)以来,各门派,拳击风格,运动套数和武器技能有了蓬勃的发展。 1. Origin of Kung fu Chinese martial arts experienced rapid international dissemination with the end of the Chinese Civil War and the founding of the People‘s Republic of China on October 1, 1949. Many well known martial artists chose to migrate to Taiwan, Hong Kong,and other parts of the world. Those masters started to teach within the overseas Chinese communities but eventually they expanded their teachings to include people from other ethnic groups,which greatly spread the Chinese Kungfu to the world. 中国内战的结束,中华人民共和国1949年10月1日成立之后,中国武术开始在国际上迅速传播开来。许多著名的武术家们迁移到了台湾,香港,和其他地区。这些大师开始在海外华人社区教学,最终他们扩大了他们的教学范围,开始对来自其他种族的人进行教学。这很大程度上促进了中国功夫的传播 1. Origin of Kung fu 2. Schools of Kung fu WuDang Kongtong Shaolin There are many school of Kung fu. Emei 2.The school of Kung fu Xingyi Quan Bagua Zhang Taiji Quan Taijiquan is one of the Chinese Traditional martial arts. As an ancient Kongfu, Taiji includes quan, sword, broadsword, spear, push-hand, etc. Especially the push-hand is well known for its tactic and technique, the powerful and aggressive opponent being defeated by a small clever attack or an abrupt explosive power. As an typical artful Chinese Kongfu, hand push has been highly popular with the small and weak people. 太极拳是中国传统武术之一。作为一个古老的功夫,太极包括拳、剑、刀、枪、推手等等,且因其战术和


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