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24 6 200 3 12 X 1, 2 2 管业鹏  童林夙 1 2 ( 310027) ( 210096) [ 14] , , , , , , , , , , Study on Measurement Method Based on Binocul ar Stereo Vision Guan Y epeng 1, 2 T ong L insu2 1( Dep tment of Inf ormation S cience and Electronic Engineering , Zhej iang University , H angz hou 3100 7, China) ( Dep artment of Electronics Engineering, S outheast University , N anj ing 10096, China) AbstractA kind of simp e and f ast arithmetic operat ors t o ext ract feat ure point s is presented. It is proved that th e a gorith m is simp e, ef fective and re iab e; moreover , t he a gorit hm h as strong adapt abi it y t o outs ide i umi- [ 14] - . nation condition an d stronger ant i jamming capabi ity aft er comparison w it h c assic a gorith m s by experiment During matching, disparit y scope rest riction based on th e s hap e of measu red object and re at ive position betw een th e camera and t he meas ured object is ment ion ed a so . Bas ed on t he direct ion a ity of dis parity , t he search in g scope of mat ch ing feat ure points is reduced s o th at t he searching sp eed is improved and th e error p rob abi ity on mat ch ing is dropped dow n af ter t he dynamic searching meth od being u sed . It is proved t hat t he a gorith m to ex- tract feat ure points and th e matchin g met hod is feas ib e by comput er -imit at ed experiment on st andard-piece w ith given


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