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Western Diagnosis TCM Management for Common Skin Diseases 常见皮肤病的西医诊断和中医治疗 Yong Ming Li, MD, PhD 李永明 博士 医师 针灸医生最常见的疾病是什么? 答案不是经常治疗的疼痛或抑郁 症,而是皮肤病。 针灸医生在“寻经取穴”时可以“顺便”检查患者的皮肤病变,这 是其它科医生没有的方便条件。 但是,很多针灸医生没有受过皮肤病诊断的训练,只好视而不见。 美国是个移民国家,不同种族的病人皮肤病种类繁多,尤其是白种 人皮肤癌发病率极高,不及时诊断,可能危及生命。 针灸师如果能够掌握简单皮肤病诊断技能,对患者和提高行医水准 都会十分有益。 中医中药和针灸在治疗一些炎症皮肤病和某些疑难皮肤病有很多优 势,每位中医师和针灸师都应该在临床上探索使用。 Why an acupuncturist need to know skin diseases? 针灸医生为什么需要皮肤疾病? Why an acupuncturist need to know skin diseases? 针灸医生为什么需要皮肤疾病? What is the most common condition encountered by an acupuncturist? The answer is not pain or depression but the skin problem. While locating acupoints, an acupuncturist has the advantage to review most skin lesions, but other specialists do not have. Unfortunately, many practitioners who have insufficient dermatological training choose to ignore skin problems. Various complicated skin diseases might be seen in the USA and light skin individuals are special prone to skin cancer. An acupuncturist with basic dermatological expertise can be a great benefit to patients as well as to his/her own practice. Acupuncture and TCM herbs are known to be good alternative options for certain skin diseases. 1. 美国最常见皮肤病的分类 2. 皮肤恶性肿瘤的临床特征和鉴别诊断 3. 常见炎症皮肤病的分类和适合中医治疗的病症 4. “望闻问切”在皮肤病诊断和鉴别诊断中的应用 5. 中医药和针灸治疗病例介绍 1. The classification of commonly seen skin diseases in the USA 2. Clinical features and diagnosis of malignant skin tumors Commonly seen inflammatory skin diseases and conditions may be managed by TCM therapies Application of TCM diagnostic principles in the examination and screening of skin diseases 5. Case analysis on TCM management Western Diagnosis TCM Management for Common Skin Diseases 常见皮肤病的西医诊断和中医治疗 Classification of common skin conditions 常见皮肤病分类 Seborrheic keratosis (SK) 脂溢性角化病 Melanocytic nevus (mole) 黑色素痣 Solar keratosis (actinic keratosis) 日光性角化病 Fibroepithelial polyp (skin ta


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