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Fl. China 19: 433–434. 2011. 11. ECHINACANTHUS Nees in Wallich, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 75, 90. 1832. 恋岩花属 lian yan hua shu Hu Jiaqi (胡嘉琪 Hu Chia-chi), Deng Yunfei (邓云飞); Thomas F. Daniel Shrubs or perennial herbs. Leaves opposite; leaf blade margin entire. Inflorescence axillary or terminal, branched cymes; bracts narrow to subleaflike; bracteoles inconspicuous or absent. Calyx often gland-tipped hairy, deeply 5-lobed; lobes equal or subequal. Corolla purple or yellow, funnel-shaped to campanulate; tube ventricose; limb 5-lobed; lobes subequal, contorted in bud. Stamens 4, didynamous; filaments connate at base into 2 pairs; anthers 2-thecous; thecae parallel, hirsute, spurred at base. Ovary with 4–8 ovules per locule; stigma 2-lobed, one lobe reduced. Capsule linear-cylindric to linear-oblong, 8–16-seeded; retinacula present. Seeds subovate in outline, compressed, covered with hygroscopic trichomes. Four species: Bhutan, China, India, Nepal, Vietnam; three species (two endemic) in China. 1a. Herbs to 20 cm tall 1. E. longipes 1b. Subshrubs or shrubs more than 50 cm tall. 2a. Corolla purple, 2–2.5 cm, outside glabrous; anther thecae each with 2 basal spurs 2. E. longzhouensis 2b. Corolla yellow, ca. 4 cm, outside pubescent; anther thecae each with 1 basal spur 3. E. lofouensis 1. Echinacanthus longipes H. S. Lo D. Fang, Acta Bot. 10–15 × ca. 1 mm, pubescent. Calyx 1–1.2 cm, abaxially gland- Yunnan. 7: 138. 1985. tipped hirsute, adaxially hirsute; lobes linear, apex acuminate. Corolla purple, 2–2.5 cm, both surfaces glabrous; tube basally 长柄恋岩花 chang bing lian yan hua


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