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版本修订历史记录 版本号 修订内容 修订者 修订时间 A/0 第一次下发 2015.3.4 文件涉及部门评审会签栏 □生产部 □品质部 □工程部 □研发部 □采购部 □销售部 □客服部 □人力行政 □计划部 □财务部 □文控中心 □仓储部 □国际贸易 文 件 签 核 栏 拟 制 审 核(ISO) 审 核 批 准 姓 名 职 务 签 名 日 期 1. 目的 Objective 。To regulate the production operation procedure and improve production efficiency to ensure the products safety, legality and quality can be controlled efficiently and to ensure the products can be delivered on time. 2. 适用范围 Applicable Scope 。Be applied to the production process from preparing the materials to warehousing the finished products. 职责Responsibilities 3.1. 计划部负责制定《生产计划》,下发《生产任务单》给生产部。 3.2. 生产部每日实行自检、互检制度,负责制程生产的实施与控制。Production department shall implement self-inspection and mutual inspection everyday and implement and control the production process. 3.3. 品质部负责产品合法性的确认、质量和安全等整个生产过程品质的监控与跟踪。 Quality department shall confirm the product legality, and monitor and follow the product quality and safety in the production process. 3.4. 工程部负责全过程的相关工艺及工装治具的管理、相关仪器的设备校准等。 Engineering department shall manage the related production process and tools used in the production, and calibrate the related equipments. 3.5. 仓库负责全过程的材料(包括辅料、工具)发放及成品保管。 The warehouse shall provide all materials used in the production, including auxiliary materials and tools and keep the finished products. 3.6. 文控中心负责及时发放及通知相关产品生产工艺文件。 DCC shall distribute the related product production process documents timely. 3.7. 人事行政部负责人员的招聘与培训安排。 Personnel administration department is responsible for personnel recruitment and training arrangement. 程序内容 Procedure Contents 4.1. 生产前准备 production preparation. 4.1.1.计划部下《生产任务单》到生产部,生产主管或部长根据当时生产现状进行适当安 排,生产拉长接到生产任务单时,及时进行相关资源计划,例如人员培训、人员安排调配等事项。 The PMC shall send the production task notice to production department, production director or production department chief shall arr


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