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21st Century Teens 山东烟台经济技术开发区高级中学 唐福珍 For Senior 1 15-16学年第45期总第 641期 Venice worth your visit (P4) I. Warming up Have you ever been to Venice? How much do you know about the city? Background information 威尼斯(Venice): 是意大利东北部著名的旅游与工业城市,也是威尼托地区的首府。 威尼斯曾经是威尼斯共和国的中心,被称作亚得里亚海明珠,十字军进行十字军东征时也曾在这里集结,而且也是13世纪至17世纪末一个非常重要的商业艺术重镇。威尼斯别名亚得里亚海的女王、水都、桥之城及光之城,堪称世界最浪漫的城市之一。 威尼斯市区涵盖意大利东北部亚得里亚海沿岸的威尼斯潟湖的118个岛屿和邻近一个半岛。这个咸水潟湖分布在波河与皮亚韦河之间的海岸线。 Background information 圣马可广场(Piazza San Marco): 是意大利威尼斯的中心广场。圣马可广场在欧洲城市的广场中是独一无二的,它座落在市中心,却不像其他广场那样受到交通的喧闹,这归功于威尼斯宁静的水路交通。作为威尼斯的地标,圣马可广场受到游客、摄影师和鸽子的格外青睐。19世纪法国皇帝拿破仑(Napoleon Bonaparte)曾称赞其为“欧洲最美的客厅”。 Canaletto Antonio Canal : 意大利著名风景画画家。他的作品以描绘18世纪的威尼斯风光主题而闻名于世。他记录了大运河边的人家与作坊、赛舟会、圣马可广场的耶稣升天日庆典、一次雷击后圣马可广场钟楼维修的情形等城市景象。 1. Read the passage and decide what its main idea is. II. Skimming The reasons why Venice is among the top three destinations for visitors to Europe. III. Scanning 1. What attracts visitors to Venice? 2. Which waterway is its most famous one? 3. What is the first place to see in Venice, according to the article? 4. What has led to many events, such as conferences and the Venice Film Festival, taking place in Venice? Read the passage and answer the following questions. 1) Tales of romantic trips along its waterways and its marvelous (非凡的) architecture (建筑) of cobbled (铺着鹅卵石的) squares, churches, theaters and museums attract visitors. 2) Literature and Hollywood have also played their part in making the beautiful city into a legend (传奇). 3) This rising of its waters is another urgent (急迫的) reason to visit Venice. 1. What attract visitors to Venice? III. Scanning The Grand Canal. III. Scanning 2. Which waterway is its most famous one? 3. What is the first place to see in Venice, according to the article? The Piazza San Marco. 4. What has led to many events, such as conferences and the Venice Film Festival, taking place in Venice? III. Scanning Its uniqueness and its beauty. 1. But in truth, Venice doesn’t need


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