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The Prologue When in April the sweet showers fall 当四月温柔的甘霖普降 That pierce the drought of March to the root and all 浸润三月每寸干旱封疆 The veins are bathed in liquor of such power 把大地上生灵万物滋养 As brings about the engendering of the flower; 它的力量催得百花芬芳 When also Zephyrus with his sweet breath, 和煦西风携带甜蜜气息 Exhales an air in every grove and heath, 泽被一片片丛林和荒地 Upon the tender shoots, and the young sun 赐予给它们青春及生命 His half-course in the sign of the Ram has run, 朝升的太阳奔跑过半程 And the small fowl are making melody 鸟雀啁啾,欢唱爱情 That sleep away the night with open eye 让沉寂的黑夜张开眼睛 (So Nature pricks them and their heart engages) 自然在撩拨众生的情怀 Then people long to go on pilgrimages, 心存敬仰之人将去朝拜 And palmers long to see the strange strands, 人们踏上通向天国之路 Of far-off saints, hallowed in sundry lands. 前往著名的遥远圣域 And specially, from every shire’ end 他们在每一处村落集聚 Of England, down to Canterbury they wend, 从英格兰到坎特伯雷去 To seek the holy blissful martyr, quick 朝觐身受福泽的殉道者 To give his help to them when they were sick 他曾护佑过广大受难者 It happened in that season that one day 就在这时节,就在其中的一天, In Southwark , at The Tabard, as I lay 我正住在萨瑟克的泰巴旅店, Ready to go on pilgrimages and start 已经满心虔诚地准备好登程, For Canterbury, most devout at heart, 专诚去坎特伯雷那地方朝圣。 At night there came into that hostelry 在那天傍晚,有二十九位旅客 Some nine and twenty in a company 来到了这客店,他们形形色色, Of sundry folk happening then to fall 全都是在路上彼此萍水相逢, In fellowship, and they were pilgrims all 全都是跨着坐骑要前去朝圣, That towards Canterbury meant to ride 而坎特伯雷是他们去的地方。 The rooms and stables of the inn were wide; 旅店的房间和马厩都很宽敞, They made us easy, all was of the best, 把我们个个安顿得十分舒适。 And, briefly, when the sun had gone to rest, 不久后太阳从地平线上消失, I’d spoken to them all upon the trip 我同他们每个人都作了交谈, And was soon one with them in fellowship, 很快就成了他们当中的一员。 Pledged to rise early and to take the way 大家约定来日上路要起个早, To Canterbury, as you heard me say. 而路上的情形,下面我会说到。 But none the less, while I have time and space, 但是既然我有很充裕的时间, Before my story takes a further pace, 在我进一步细述这故事之前, It seem


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