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29 6 V ol. 29, N o. 6 2 0 0 8 1 2 M A R IN E FISH ERIES RESEA R CH D ec. , 2008 李 娟 林德芳 黄 滨 关长涛 ( , 26607 1) 金枪鱼是洄游于公海和沿海国家200 海里经济专属水域的大洋性鱼类20 世纪70 年代国 外开 进行金枪鱼网箱养殖试验, 并于20 世纪末取得成功并形成产业化本文详细介绍了世界金枪 鱼网箱养殖技术, 为今后我国的进 一步研究提供了理论基础和参考 金枪鱼 网箱养殖 养殖密度 饵料系数 Q959. 4 85 S967. 3 A 1000- 7075 ( 200 8) 06- 014 2- 0 6 The present status and prospect of cage-culture technology of tuna worldwide L I Juan L IN De- fang H U A N G Bin GU A N Ch ang- t ao ( K ey Labor ator y f o r Su sta inable U tilizat ion of M ar ine Fisher y Resources, M inist ry of A gr iculture Y ellow Sea Fisheries R esear ch In stitute, Chinese A cademy of F isher y Sciences, Q ingdao 266071) ABSTRACT T una is a species of marine f ish w h ich mig rates in t he high seas and coastal countr ies. exclusive econ omic w ater s of 200 nautical m iles. T he cag e- cu ltu re experim ent of tun a beg an in for eign countr ies in 1970s, an d succeed ed in indu str ializat ion by t he end of last centu- ry . T ech nology for cage- cultur e of tu na w or ldw id e is review ed in t his paper to pr ovide th eor eti- cal b asis and ref er en ce for furth er stu dy in ou r count ry . KEY WORDS T una Cage- cultur e A quacult ur e densit y Feed coef f icient , , 3% , 50 , 9% , 3 , , 500 t , , , , 20 70 , 20 863 ( 2006A A 10030 1) ( 2006BA D09 A13) : 2007- 11- 30 : 2008- 0 1- 12 : ( 1963- ) , , , E- mail: lijuan@ y sf ri. ac. cn, T el: ( 0532) 8582 1672 6 : 143 . 20 70 , 80 , 35 , 1994 , 1994 1 200t, 2003 36 000t 1


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