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2015江苏省高考英语 新增词汇50个;A good speaker is able to anticipate an audience’s needs and concerns. 一个好的演讲者他能预料到听众的需求和关注的事情。 anticipate v. [?n‘t?s?.pe?t] 预料;预期;期望 2. The minister assured the public that all the products on display would be launched to the market. 部长向公众保证所有的产品都将投放市场。 assure v. [???r] 确保;使确信 = make sure;3. When he heard the knock, he ceased writing. 当他听到敲门声,他停止了写作。 cease v. [si?s]停止;结束;中断;平息 4. The prices of the commodities are quite stable this year. 今年各种物价相当稳定。 commodity n. [k?‘mɑd?ti]商品;有价值的事物 5. Compiling a dictionary costs much time and patience. 编一部字典要花很长时间和耐心。 compile v. [k?m‘pa?l] 编译;编写(书、报告等;6. We offer you a comprehensive training in all aspects of the business. 我们向你提供这个行业各方面的综合培训。 comprehensive adj. [.kɑmpr?hens?v] 全部的;所有的;详尽的 7. Parents are required to give written consent before a child can be asked to participate in an interview. 只有经过家长书面同意,子女才能受邀参加访谈。 consent n. [k?nsent]同意;允许;赞同 ;8. By contrast, before signing the contract, this university student did not contact his parents but make contact with his new colleague. 相反,在签合同之前,这个大学生没有联系他的父母而是联系了他的新同事。 contrast n. [kɑ]对比(度);对照;反差; 9. The core of our appeal is freedom of speech. 我们呼吁的中心是要言论自由。 core n. [k?r]核心;精髓;果核 10. To qualify for a grant, students must satisfy certain criteria. 要获得领奖学金的资格,学生必须符合某些标准。 criteria n. [kra?t?ri?n]标准;尺度 criterion的复数形式 ;11. Communication play a crucial part in patient care. 沟通在患者护理中发挥着至关重要的作用。 crucial adj. [kru?(?)l] 至关重要的;关键性的 12. Two people were crushed to death in the rush to escape. 在匆忙逃跑中有两个人被压死。 crush v. [kr??] 压碎(坏); n. 迷恋;拥挤??人群 13. The witch is supposed to have put a curse on the house. 人们相信巫婆对这座房子唸了咒语。 curse v .[k?:s]诅咒;咒骂 n 咒语;14. Scientists deduced that animals could adapt to their surroundings. 科学家推断,动物能适应他们的环境。 deduce v. [d?‘dus] 推断; 推论 15. The noise from the neighbors used to drive him to despair. 邻居那里传来的噪声曾让他绝望。 despai


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