商务英语 Unit 5 business meeting.ppt

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商务英语 Unit 5 business meeting

Unit 5 Business Meeting dress code 着装规范 e.g. There is a strict dress code: no trainers or jeans. More schools are starting strict dress codes. Unit 5 Business Meeting Reception Desk 前台;接待处 e.g. The girl at the reception desk was not very forthcoming. Would you please give the key to the reception desk when you go out? Unit 5 Business Meeting pick-up service 接车服务 e.g. We offer a free24 hours pick-up service from vets or home. Do you need Airport Pick-up service? Unit 5 Business Meeting check in 登记入住 e.g. Please check in at the hotel and wait for my call. My mother has taught me to check in at the check-in counter. check in 6. check in 6. check in 6. Unit 5 Business Meeting 会议中,你应当: ● 注意时间的把控。当今商务活动节奏加快,变数增加, 每个人的“待办事项清单”都排得满满当当。员工通常不 愿意抽出时间去参加会议,因为他们觉得那是在浪费时 间。但是,如果会议能准点开始,按时结束,并且涵盖 所有日程项目,人们则会觉得会议有效地利用了时间。 ● 紧扣主题。会议很容易跑题,到最后什么目的都没达成 就结束了。无论是主持人还是参会者都应该积极努力使 会议围绕议程展开。确保会议不要偏离主题是主持人的 职责,但所有参会者同样有责任做到紧扣主题发言。 Unit 5 Business Meeting 会议结束后,你应当: ● 撰写会议记录。会议记录员应该撰写会议记录,并 发所有参会者传阅。参会者需仔细阅读会议记录, 以便确认或者纠正记录的内容,并在下次会议前付 诸行动。 Unit 5 Business Meeting exchange v. 交换;交易 e.g. Gifts exchanged between friends need not be too expensive. Every morning they exchanged polite hellos. Unit 5 Business Meeting set v. 决定;确立 e.g. The government has set a tight budget for next year’s government spending. Our professor has set the deadline of submitting the term paper on December 12th. Unit 5 Business Meeting duplicate v. 复制 e.g. Please duplicate this file and make sure everyone has a copy. Documents with this kind of watermark are difficult to duplicate. Unit 5 Business Meeting inefficiently adv. 无效率地;无效果地 e.g. Energy prices have been kept low, so energy is used inefficiently. You can spend incredible effort inefficien


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