四Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges.doc

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四Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges

Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges【美文阅读】The Three Gorges region is a scenic area along the Yangtze River in China with a total length of about 200 km.The Three Gorges takes up 120 km within this region.Although it is primarily famous for its scenery,the Three Gorges region is historically and culturally an important region in China. The Three Gorges region is located along the Yangtze River between the cities of Fengjie and Yichang in Chongqing Municipality and Hubei Province. Currently the Three Gorges region is most famous for the Three Gorges Dam.The Three Gorges Dam is under construction at a place called Sandouping(三斗坪)in the middle of the Xiling Gorge. In addition to the impacts(影响)of the dam on the ecology and people(i.e.the mass relocation of towns and villages)of the region,the dam will also change the scenery of the Three Gorges. Because the water level will be higher,the gorges will be narrower and the mountains will appear lower.Supporters of the dam point out that because the mountains reach several thousand feet above the river,the gorges are still likely to offer fascinating views of the surrounding cliffs,and it should be noted that most riverboat companies that operate in the Three Gorges intend to continue to offer tours of the region: The increase in width of the Three Gorges will also allow larger ships through the gorges and it is predicted that river traffic of all kinds will increase. 【诱思导学】  Do you know something more about the Three Gorges? Try to find some more information on the Internet. 【答案】 略 Period ⅠPreviewing (教师用书独具) ●教学目标 本课时主要是通过学生对学案所给出的内容的学习,了解本课文中所出现的词汇,初步了解课文以及相关的背景知识,对下一堂课对课文的全面理解起到一个铺垫作用。 ●教学地位 该部分通过看图说话,引出plateau,plain,cliffs,peak,valley等词汇的学习,并通过一个小小的知识竞赛引出长江、三峡等中心话题,为本模块的学习热身。 (教师用书独具) ●新课导入建议 教师选用一张较大的中国地图,请学生试着说说有关长江的情况,比如:起源于何地、 有多长、流经哪些省份等等。鼓励学生运用Activity 1中的词汇,然后导入新课。 ●教学流程设计 ?                                            ??       ??           


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