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Name___________________ ORAL TOPICS/ USA FINAL EXAM St. # ____________________ Who, what, where, when, why, how? 1 Australian sense of adventure and fun Nemo finding nemo The Great Barrier Reef, is known as the dream the place to start in Australia, want to experience the underwater shock, this is the place where you cant miss.The outer barrier reef Norman from Keynes can enjoy the best view of the Great Barrier Reef.The reef group of continuous here, from the water, just pieces of dark blue sea forest, here you will be able to feel the unprecedented visual and sensory shock. Take a bus to the Great Barrier Reef from cairns wharf, landing big cat cruise ship, or from the board silver shuttle, Douglas town, begin your adventure trip to the Great Barrier Reef.You can also take half a submarine roaming amazing undersea world, see the rich coral and tropical fish.Everything, everything is so interesting and wonderful, make you really feel the joy of the underwater world.More stimulus is yet to come.In western Australia ning lu, you can feel huge whale shark in the movie the stimulus and the heart that happen to you.That is with the whale sharks walks, feel the bottom of the sea life of freedom and cheerful.This exciting experience will make you unforgettable.Dont forget to bring your camera, take your sunny smile and the beautiful scenery of the sea and ocean. “尼莫”海底总动员 大堡礁,被誉为澳大利亚“梦开始的地方”,想要体验水下冲击,这里是你不能错过的地方。诺曼外堡礁是从凯恩斯出发能欣赏到最佳景观的大堡礁。这里的礁群连绵不断,从水中望去,就是一片片深蓝色的海底森林,在这里你将能感受到前所未有的视觉和感官震撼。 从凯恩斯搭乘巴士前往大堡礁码头,登陆“大猫号”游轮,或者从道格拉斯小镇搭乘“银梭号”,开始你的大堡礁探险之旅。你还可以乘坐半潜艇漫游奇妙的海底世界,观赏丰富的珊瑚和热带鱼群。一切的一切,都是那么的有趣与奇妙,令你真切感受海底世界的欢乐。更刺激的还在后头。在西澳大利亚宁格鲁,你可以亲身感受电影中庞大的鲸鲨向你扑面而来的刺激与心跳。那就是与鲸鲨同游,感受海底生命的自由与欢畅。这种紧张刺激的经历必使你终生难忘。不要忘记带上相机,拍下你阳光灿烂的笑脸和海上、海底出奇的风光。 红土地上的“沙漠骑兵” 这里的骑兵可不是骑着马征服世界的。骑马让人平添几分帅气,而在澳大利亚红土地上骑骆驼的另类,则令人一骑倾心。参加北领地乌鲁鲁骆驼骑行之旅,穿越于沙丘间欣赏红色背景衬托下更加耀眼的日出和日落。日出时,漫步于色彩鲜明的红色沙丘上,穿过附近卡塔丘塔陡峭的赤褐色圆石,看巨岩随着光线的不同而变幻的霓裳,沉醉于乌鲁鲁清晨迷幻的原始空旷中;日落之时,你可以在这片红色土地上享受内陆美食盛宴,在繁星闪耀的沙漠夜空下探究这片在梦幻时代不同的人物故事。 如果你想要更加动感的沙丘体验,也可以来


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